Title 1 - (2100 - 2112) GENERAL PROVISIONS
- 2100 - Communicable diseases; local boards of health and health officers; powers and duties.
- 2101 - Communicable diseases; physicians and institutions; duty to report.
- 2102 - Communicable diseases; laboratory reports and records.
- 2103 - Communicable diseases; local health officers; duty to report.
- 2104 - Communicable diseases; municipalities within a county or part-county health district; duty to report.
- 2105 - Communicable diseases; state institutions; duty to report; duty of commissioner.
- 2106 - Communicable diseases; almshouses; removal of inmates.
- 2108 - Communicable diseases; epidemic among Indians; state charges.
- 2109 - Communicable diseases; municipal hospitals for; establishment, inspection and regulation.
- 2110 - City of New York; exceptions.
- 2111 - Disease management demonstration programs.
- 2112 - Immunizations; prohibition on the use of mercury.