Title 2 - (1520 - 1531) COUNTY INSECT CONTROL
- 1520 - County mosquito control commission; appointment; membership.
- 1521 - County mosquito control commission; terms of office; oath.
- 1522 - County mosquito control commission; compensation; expenses; officers.
- 1523 - County mosquito control commission; legal entity.
- 1524 - County mosquito control commission; employees; duties and compensation.
- 1525 - County mosquito control commission; powers and duties; entry on lands.
- 1526 - County mosquito control commission; owners' claims, damages and payments.
- 1527 - County mosquito control commission; obstructions; interferences; violations.
- 1528 - County mosquito control commission; estimate and approval of annual requirements; power and duty of commissioner.
- 1529 - County mosquito control commission; construction of law.
- 1530 - County mosquito control commission; annual report.
- 1531 - County mosquito control commission; regulations by board of supervisors as to purchases, contracts and expenditures.