33 - Cooperation of agency officials and employees.

§ 33. Cooperation of agency officials and employees. 1. In addition to  the  authority  otherwise  provided  by  this  title,  the inspector, in  carrying out the provisions of this title, is authorized to request such  information, assistance and cooperation from any federal, state or local  governmental department, board, bureau, commission, or other  agency  or  unit  thereof  as  may  be  necessary  for  carrying  out the duties and  responsibilities enjoined upon the inspector by this section. State  and  local  agencies  or  units thereof are hereby authorized and directed to  provide to the inspector, or, at the request of the inspector, to  state  agencies   or   their  contractors,  such  information,  assistance  and  cooperation. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,  requests for information, assistance and cooperation  may  include,  but  not be limited to, all state and local government birth, death and vital  statistics which may be contained in files, databases or registries, and  for all information shall, upon request, include, where possible, making  electronic  copies  or  record  exchanges  available. Executive agencies  shall coordinate and facilitate the transfer  of  appropriate  functions  and  positions  to  the  office  as  necessary  and  in  accordance with  applicable law.    2. Upon request of a local social services district or a prosecutor of  competent jurisdiction, the office, department, any other state or local  government entity and the Medicaid fraud control unit shall provide such  information and assistance as such entity or unit shall deem  necessary,  appropriate  and  available  to  aid and facilitate the investigation of  fraud and abuse within the medical assistance program and the recoupment  of improperly expended funds.