22 - When appropriations are available; appropriations for two or more objects.

§ 22.   When  appropriations  are available; appropriations for two or  more objects.  No item of an appropriation made for the  performance  of  such  work  shall  be  available,  except  for  advertising  or expenses  incurred in the preparation of  plans  and  specifications,  engineering  work  or superintendence, unless one or more contracts or special orders  shall first have been made for the completion of such  work  within  the  appropriation   therefor.      If  an  appropriation  be  made  for  the  construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or improvement  of  any  state  buildings  in an appropriation act specifying two or more objects  for which the appropriation is made and any one of  such  objects  shall  have  been  accomplished for a sum less than the amount specified in the  act, the unexpended balance  shall  be  applicable  to  any  other  work  specified in the act.