21 - Removal, relocation and payment of costs thereof of certain water mains, sewer pipes and other facilities owned by municipalities or public service co

§ 21. Removal,  relocation  and  payment  of  costs thereof of certain  water mains, sewer pipes and other facilities owned by municipalities or  public service corporations.  1. Whenever the  commissioner  of  general  services   deems   it   necessary  as  a  result  of  the  construction,  reconstruction or maintenance of any state project, to provide  for  the  removal,  relocation,  replacement,  reconstruction  or  repair of water  mains, sewer pipes and other facilities maintained for  public  use  and  owned  by  any municipality or public service corporation, he shall have  the  power  to  contract  with  such  municipality  or  public   service  corporation    for    such    removal,   relocation,   replacement,   or  reconstruction.  The expense of such removal,  relocation,  replacement,  reconstruction  or  repair  shall  be  a  proper  charge  against  funds  available for the construction, reconstruction or  maintenance  of  such  state  project,  and  the  work  necessary  therefor may be performed by  contract, or by the  use  of  office  of  general  services  forces  and  equipment  and  of  materials  purchased  therefor.    However,  if  the  commissioner of general services deems it to be in the public  interest,  he  may  contract  with  the municipality or public service corporation,  upon such terms as he may deem advantageous to the state; to  have  such  work  performed  (a)  by the employment of the forces and for the use of  the equipment of such municipality and by the use  of  any  material  on  hand or necessary to be purchased by such municipality or public service  corporation  or (b) by such other method as such commissioner of general  services shall approve or (c) by a combination of the  methods  provided  in  this  section.   Any municipality is hereby authorized to enter into  such contract for the purposes of this section.  Upon the completion and  acceptance of  the  work,  such  water  mains,  sewer  pipes  and  other  facilities  shall  be  maintained  by  the  municipality  or such public  service corporation as the case may be.    2.  In all cases in which the contracts to be let are for the  purpose  of  removal,  relocation, replacement, reconstruction or repair of water  mains, sewer pipes and any other facilities owned by any municipality or  public  service  corporation,  such  municipality  or   public   service  corporation  shall not be required to make the preliminary deposit or to  give the certified check upon submitting its proposal, nor to  give  any  bond  for  the  performance  of  the work, nor shall any advertising for  proposals  be  necessary  where  such  municipality  or  public  service  corporation is to perform the work.