11 - Pilot program of bicycle parking facilities.

§ 11. Pilot  program  of  bicycle parking facilities.   1. Legislative  finding. In recognition of the  role  which  bicycles  can  serve  as  a  valuable  transportation  mode  with  energy  conservation,  health  and  environmental benefits, it is hereby declared to be the  policy  of  the  state  that provision for adequate and safe bicycle facilities including  the use of present facilities for safe and  secure  bicycle  parking  be  included in the planning and development of all state facilities.    2.  (a)  The  commissioner of general services shall undertake a pilot  program for provision and promotion of safe and secure  bicycle  parking  facilities  at state office buildings. The commissioner, within one year  of the enactment of this section, shall provide, at the principal office  buildings under his superintendence at the Nelson A. Rockefeller  Empire  State  Plaza  in Albany, New York, secure bicycle parking facilities for  use by employees and visitors.    (b) The commissioner is also authorized, within  a  reasonable  period  and  where  feasible,  to  provide suitable support facilities including  clothing lockers, showers and  changing  facilities,  and  to  charge  a  reasonable use fee.    (c)  For  the  purpose  of  this  section,  the  term "bicycle parking  facility" means a device or enclosure,  located  within  a  building  or  installation,   or   conveniently   adjacent  thereto,  that  is  easily  accessible, clearly visible and so located as to minimize the danger  of  theft  of  bicycles.  Such  a  device  shall  consist of a parking rack,  locker, or other device constructed to enable the frame and both  wheels  of  a  bicycle  to  be secured with ease by use of a padlock in a manner  that will minimize the risk of  theft,  or  an  enclosure  which  limits  access to the bicycles and is under observation by an attendant.    3.  In  undertaking such pilot program, the office shall:  (a) Consult  with and cooperate with (i) the statewide bicycle advisory council, (ii)  the  New  York  state  department  of  transportation  regional  bicycle  coordinator,  (iii)  local  bicycle  planning  groups, and (iv) persons,  organizations, and groups served by, interested in,  or  concerned  with  the area under study.    (b)  Request and receive from any department, division, board, bureau,  commission or other agency of the state  or  any  political  subdivision  thereof  or  any  public  authority,  any  assistance and data as may be  necessary to enable the office to carry out its  responsibilities  under  this section.    (c)   On  or  before  the  first  day  of  January,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-nine, a report  shall  be  submitted  to  the  governor  and  the  legislature  which  shall  include  a  determination  of usage levels, a  statement outlining first year progress and the elements of a  statewide  plan for the provision of such facilities.