1896 - Green jobs-green New York revolving loan fund.

§ 1896. Green jobs-green New York revolving loan fund. 1. (a) There is  hereby  created  a  green  jobs-green  New York revolving loan fund. The  revolving loan fund shall consist of:    (i) all moneys made available for the purpose of  the  revolving  loan  fund pursuant to section eighteen hundred ninety-nine-a of this title;    (ii)  payments  of  principal  and  interest  made pursuant to loan or  financing agreements entered into with the  authority  or  its  designee  pursuant to this section; and    (iii) any interest earned by the investment of moneys in the revolving  loan fund.    (b) The revolving loan fund shall consist of two accounts:    (i)  one  account  which  shall  be  maintained  for monies to be made  available to provide loans to finance the  cost  of  approved  qualified  energy  efficiency  services for residential structures and multi-family  structures, and    (ii) one account which shall be maintained for monies  made  available  to  provide  loans  to  finance  the  cost  of approved qualified energy  efficiency services for non-residential structures. The initial  balance  of  the  residential account established in clause (i) of this paragraph  shall represent at least fifty percent of the total balance of  the  two  accounts.  The authority shall not commingle the monies of the revolving  loan fund with any  other  monies  of  the  authority  or  held  by  the  authority,   nor  shall  the  authority  commingle  the  monies  between  accounts. Payments of principal, interest and fees  shall  be  deposited  into  the  account  created  and  maintained for the appropriate type of  eligible project.    (c) In administering such program, the  authority  is  authorized  and  directed to:    (i)  use  monies made available for the revolving loan fund to achieve  the purposes of this section by section eighteen  hundred  ninety-nine-a  of  this  title, including but not limited to making loans available for  eligible projects;    (ii) enter into contracts with one or  more  program  implementers  to  perform such functions as the authority deems appropriate; and    (iii)  exercise  such  other  powers  as  are necessary for the proper  administration of the program.    2. (a) The authority shall provide financial assistance in the form of  loans for the performance of qualified energy  efficiency  services  for  eligible projects on terms and conditions established by the authority.    (b)  Loans  made  by  the  authority pursuant to this section shall be  subject to the following limitations:    (i)  eligible  projects  shall  meet  cost   effectiveness   standards  developed by the authority;    (ii)  loans  shall  not exceed thirteen thousand dollars per applicant  for  approved  qualified  energy  efficiency  services  for  residential  structures,  and  twenty-six thousand dollars per applicant for approved  qualified energy efficiency services for non-residential structures, and  for multi-family structures loans shall be in amounts determined by  the  authority,  provided,  however,  that  the authority shall assure that a  significant  number  of  residential  structures  are  included  in  the  program; and    (iii)  loans shall be at interest rates determined by the authority to  be no higher than necessary to  make  the  provision  of  the  qualified  energy efficiency services feasible.    In determining whether to make a loan, and the amount of any loan that  is  made,  the authority is authorized to consider whether the applicant  or  borrower  has  received,  or  is  eligible  to  receive,   financialassistance  and other incentives from any other source for the qualified  energy efficiency services which would be the subject of the loan.    (c)  Applications  for  financial  assistance pursuant to this section  shall be reviewed  and  evaluated  by  the  authority  or  its  designee  pursuant  to  eligibility  and  qualification  requirements and criteria  established by the authority. The authority  shall  establish  standards  for  (i)  qualified energy efficiency services, and (ii) measurement and  verification of energy savings. Such standards shall meet or exceed  the  standards used by the authority for similar programs in existence on the  effective date of this section.    (d)  The  amount  of  a  fee  paid  for an energy audit provided under  section eighteen hundred ninety-five of this title may be added  to  the  amount  of a loan that is made under this section to finance the cost of  an eligible project conducted in response to such energy audit. In  such  a  case,  the  amount  of the fee may be reimbursed from the fund to the  borrower.