1827 - Loans for multi-tenant facilities.

§ 1827. Loans for multi-tenant facilities. When in the judgment of the  authority   a   need   exists   for  additional  space  for  industrial,  manufacturing, research and development use or other  eligible  business  facilities  in  an  area  of  the  state,  it may make a loan to a local  development  corporation  or  issue  a  loan  guarantee  to  a   banking  organization  to assist in financing a project for a business enterprise  which proposes to lease the project to two or more tenants  to  be  used  for  manufacturing,  industrial or research and development purposes, or  to be used as an eligible business facility, provided that the authority  shall make a finding in lieu of the  findings  referred  to  in  section  eighteen   hundred   twenty-six,   that   such  business  enterprise  is  financially responsible and presumptively able to comply with any lease,  mortgage or other agreement made  by  it  with  the  authority,  banking  organization  or  a local development corporation in connection with the  project.