1821 - Rate of interest to project occupant.

§  1821.  Rate  of  interest to project occupant. Any loan made by the  authority pursuant to this subtitle to a local  development  corporation  for  a  project  shall  bear  interest at such rate as the authority may  determine but such rate shall not be less than the  average  annual  net  interest  cost  to  the  authority,  as  determined by the authority, on  pollution control bonds the proceeds of which, in  the  opinion  of  the  authority,  are  available to make such loan, or if no such proceeds are  then available in a sufficient amount to make  such  loan,  the  average  annual  net  interest  cost  to  the  authority,  as  determined  by the  authority not more than six months previous to the making of such  loan,  which  would  have  been  incurred by the authority on pollution control  bonds having an average maturity of twenty years if such bonds had  been  issued on a date within thirty days of such determination. The rental or  other  amount  required  to  be  paid  by  a project occupant to a local  development corporation under a lease or other agreement for use of  the  said  project shall include an interest element computed at such rate as  the authority shall determine but such rate shall not be less  than  the  interest  rate  charged  by  the  authority  to  the  local  development  corporation in accordance with the preceding sentence of this section.