1779 - Construction and purchase contracts.

§  1779. Construction and purchase contracts. Where the expense of the  construction of the new hospital project or  any  part  thereof,  or  an  addition,  betterment  or  extension  of  the facilities of the existing  district hospital, or the purchase of materials, supplies and  equipment  shall  involve  an expense exceeding two thousand dollars, the authority  shall advertise for bids and shall award  the  contract  to  the  lowest  responsible  bidder  fully  complying with the plans and specifications.  The advertisement shall be published once, not less than two weeks prior  to the date fixed for the opening of bids, in the official newspapers of  the city of Salamanca. The authority may make rules and regulations  for  the  submission of bids and award of contract thereon and may provide in  such rules and regulations that no performance bond or undertaking  need  be  furnished  by the contractor for the purchase of materials, supplies  and equipment in an  amount  not  exceeding  one  thousand  dollars.  No  contract in excess of one thousand dollars shall be entered into for the  construction  of  a  project  or  a  part  thereof  or  for an addition,  betterment, or extension to the  facilities,  or  for  the  purchase  of  materials,  supplies  and  equipment unless the contractor shall give an  undertaking, with a  sufficient  surety  or  sureties  approved  by  the  authority  and  in  the  amount  fixed by the authority for the faithful  performance of the contract. As to  a  contract  entered  into  for  the  construction,  the  undertaking  shall provide, among other things, that  the person or corporation entering in the  contract  will  pay  for  all  materials  furnished  and  services  rendered  in the performance of the  contract and that a person or corporation furnishing  the  materials  or  rendering  the  services  may maintain an action to recover for the same  against  the  obligor  in  the  undertaking  as  though  the  person  or  corporation  were  named  therein, provided the action is brought within  one year after the time the cause of action accrued.   Nothing  in  this  section  shall  be  construed  to  limit  the  power of the authority to  construct a project or a part thereof, or  an  addition,  betterment  of  extension  to  the  facilities  directly  by  the  officers,  agents and  employees of the authority.