1766 - Election by the city of Salamanca to become a participating municipality and transfers by the city of Salamanca to the authority.

§  1766.  Election  by the city of Salamanca to become a participating  municipality and transfers by the city of Salamanca  to  the  authority.  1. The city of Salamanca by a majority of its qualified voters voting at  the  general election to be held on the fourth day of November, nineteen  hundred fifty-eight, may elect to become a participating municipality in  the hospital district and a part of  the  authority,  and  to  make  the  transfers  as hereinafter provided. Such proposition shall be voted upon  at said election. In the event that the city of Salamanca does not  vote  to  participate  in  the  district  and  authority at such election, its  voters may vote on the same proposition at other  general  elections  or  special  elections  during  the  following two years as provided in this  statute.    2. Pursuant to this section, and as soon as convenient  and  necessary  for  the organization and operation of the authority after said majority  vote, the city of Salamanca by action of its common  council  and  mayor  shall  take  all  necessary  and  appropriate  actions to effectuate the  transfer without consideration to the authority of the present Salamanca  district hospital and its grounds and equipment and  fixtures  which  it  owns,  and  the  lands  included  in  the Fillmore avenue site which are  intended to be used as the site for the  new  district  hospital  to  be  constructed by the authority.    3.  The authority is empowered to receive the deeds to said properties  and to take possession, jurisdiction, and control of said properties for  its uses and purposes subject,  however,  to  the  following  conditions  which are hereby imposed upon the authority.    (a)  That  at  such time as the authority shall abandon the use of the  present Salamanca district hospital after receiving title  thereto,  the  authority  shall  reconvey the same without consideration to the city of  Salamanca.    (b) That in the event that a new hospital is not  constructed  at  the  Fillmore  avenue  site  and  the  authority has no need of the same, the  authority shall reconvey said property without consideration to the city  of Salamanca.    4. That the proposition to be voted upon by the city of Salamanca  and  by  any  of  the  towns desiring to participate in the hospital district  shall appear upon the ballot as follows:    "Shall the city of Salamanca (or town of          )  participate  with  neighboring  municipalities  in the formation, financing, management and  operation of a  joint,  public  general  hospital  under  the  Salamanca  hospital  district  authority,  and share in the cost thereof, including  the building of a new hospital, as may be determined by agreement of the  participants?"