1764 - General powers and duties of executive officer.

§  1764.  General  powers  and  duties of executive officer. The chief  executive officer  of  the  authority  shall  be  the  administrator  or  superintendent  or  other person designated by the authority. Subject to  the authority and as it may order, the executive officer shall:    1.  Equip  the  hospital  with  all  necessary  furniture,  equipment,  appliances,  fixtures  and  all other needed facilities and supplies for  the proper care and treatment of patients and for the  use  of  officers  and employees thereof.    2.  Have general supervision and control of the records, accounts, and  buildings of  the  hospital  and  all  internal  affairs,  and  maintain  discipline  therein,  and enforce compliance with, and obedience to, all  rules, by-laws and regulations of  the  authority  for  the  government,  discipline and management of the hospital and the employees and patients  thereof.    3.  Appoint  such  employees as may be deemed proper and necessary for  the efficient performance of the business of the hospital and  prescribe  their duties.    4. Cause proper accounts and records of the business and operations of  the hospital to be kept regularly from day to day, in books and on forms  provided  for  that  purpose; and see that such accounts and records are  correctly made up for the monthly and annual reports to  the  authority,  and present the same to the authority.    5.  Receive  into  the  hospital  under  the  rules established by the  authority, any person from the hospital  district  who  is  in  need  of  hospital  care, and from outside the hospital district provided there is  a vacancy in the hospital and provided the reception of such person does  not interfere with the proper care or treatment of persons living in the  hospital district.    6. Cause to be kept proper records of the admission of  all  patients,  their  name,  age, sex, color, marital condition, residence, occupation,  place of last employment, names and addresses of their nearest relatives  or friends,  and  other  pertinent  information  as  may  be  needed  or  necessary.  He  shall also cause a careful examination to be made of the  physical condition of all persons admitted to the  hospital;  and  shall  cause a record to be kept of the condition of each patient when admitted  and from time to time thereafter.    7.  Discharge  from  said  hospital  any  patient who is found to have  recovered from his illness or injury sufficiently to  be  no  longer  in  need  of  hospital care, or who shall wilfully or habitually violate the  rules thereof, or who for any reason is no longer a suitable patient for  treatment therein, and shall make a full report at the next  meeting  of  the authority.    8.  Collect  and  receive all money due the hospital, keep an accurate  account of the same, report the same at the ensuing monthly  meeting  of  the  authority,  and  deliver the same to the treasurer of the hospital.  The treasurer shall deposit the said hospital funds in a bank  or  banks  designated  by  the  authority  in  its name. Monthly statements of such  accounts shall be delivered to the authority or as often as directed.    9. Establish and maintain out of hospital funds,  not  to  exceed  two  hundred  dollars  at  any  time,  or  a  larger  amount  if fixed by the  authority, as a revolving petty cash  fund  for  the  payment  of  small  emergency debts and to account to the authority at each monthly meeting,  or as otherwise required, for all expenditures made during the preceding  period from such fund.    10.  Give  a  bond before entering upon the discharge of his duties in  such sum as  the  authority  shall  determine  to  secure  the  faithful  performance  of  his  duties.  A copy of this undertaking shall be filed  with the Cattaraugus county clerk.11. Perform any other duties as directed by the authority.