1737 - Civil service.

§  1737.  Civil  service.  1.  a.  The  authority,  for the purpose of  administering the state civil service law,  shall  be  deemed  to  be  a  municipal commission provided, however, that (i) the authority may elect  to  delegate  the  administration of any or all of the provisions of the  civil  service  law,  except  article  fourteen  of  such  law,  to  the  department  of  personnel of the city of New York with respect to titles  established at the authority and which the city has also established and  promulgates; (ii) the civil service commission of the city of  New  York  shall  exercise  on  behalf  of  the  authority the powers and duties of  review assigned under sections fifty, seventy-two,  and  seventy-six  of  the   civil  service  law;  and  (iii)  the  New  York  city  office  of  administrative trials and hearings will be designated the hearing office  and shall conduct on behalf  of  the  authority  such  hearings  as  are  required    by   sections   seventy-one,   seventy-two,   seventy-three,  seventy-five and eighty-one of the civil service law.    b. In the event the authority elects to delegate administration of any  or all of the provisions of the civil service law pursuant to  paragraph  a of this subdivision, the city department of personnel shall enter into  a  contract with such authority for the rendition of such services.  The  authority shall compensate the city of New York for such  services  only  with  respect  to  such  services  rendered  for  or  on  behalf  of the  authority. If the city of New York and the authority cannot agree on the  amount of such compensation, the city comptroller  shall  determine  the  fair  and  reasonable value of such services and the authority shall pay  such sum to the city of New York.    2. a. Any person on an eligible list for  a  position  with  the  city  board  in  effect  on the effective date of this title shall continue to  hold such position on such list and shall be entitled to the same  civil  service rights.    b.  The  authority  shall  continue  to  use any new or existing civil  service lists promulgated by the city department of personnel until such  time as successor titles are established.    3. With respect to persons employed by the city board on the effective  date of this section, the authority and the city board shall  be  deemed  to  be  the  same  public  employer  only  for  purposes  of transfer of  employment under the civil service law. No civil  service  right  of  an  employee  of the city board employed on the effective date of this title  shall be lost, impaired or affected by reason of the enactment  of  this  section into law.    4.  A  tripartite panel shall be established, consisting of one person  representing the authority,  one  person  representing  the  appropriate  public  employee  organization and an impartial person selected by these  representatives. This panel shall hear complaints filed by  such  public  employee organization with respect to the creation and classification of  new  titles  and shall render non-binding written recommendations to the  public employee organization and  the  authority  prior  to  the  public  hearing  required  of  a  municipal civil service commission pursuant to  section twenty of the civil service law, provided that  the  hearing  of  the tripartite panel shall be expedited so as to avoid delay.