2718 - Limitation of liability; indemnification.

§  2718.  Limitation  of  liability;  indemnification.  1. Neither the  members of the authority nor any person  acting  in  its  behalf,  while  acting  within  the  scope  of  their authority, shall be subject to any  personal liability  resulting  from  carrying  out  any  of  the  powers  expressly given in or authorized by this title.    2. The provisions of section eighteen of the public officers law shall  apply  to  members,  officers,  employees and agents of the authority in  connection  with  any  and  all  claims,  demands,  suits,  actions   or  proceedings which may be made or brought against any of them arising out  of  any  determinations  made or actions taken or omitted to be taken in  compliance with any obligations under or pursuant to the terms  of  this  title.