2680-B - Definitions.
§ 2680-b. Definitions. As used or referred to in this title, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: 1. "Authority" means the corporation created by section twenty-six hundred eighty-c of this title. 2. "Board" means the members of the authority constituting and acting as the governing body of the authority. 3. "Bonds" means the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued by the authority pursuant to this title relating to bonds and bondholders and shall apply with equal force and effect to notes and noteholders, respectively, unless the context otherwise clearly requires. 4. "Comptroller" means the comptroller of the state. 5. "Construct", "construction" or "constructed" means the acquisition, erection, building, alteration, improvement, increase, enlargement, extension, reconstruction, renovation or rehabilitation of a sports, recreation or cultural facility, as the case may be; the inspection and supervision thereof; and the engineering, architectural, legal, fiscal and economic investigations and studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, procedures and other actions preliminary or incidental thereto. 6. "Cost" as applied to any project, means and includes the cost of construction, the cost of the acquisition of all property, including real property and other property, real, personal and mixed and improved and unimproved, the cost of demolishing, removing or relocating of any buildings or structures on lands so acquired, including the cost of acquiring any lands to which such buildings or structures may be moved or relocated, the cost of the sports, recreation or cultural facility, machinery, apparatus and equipment, the cost of engineering and architectural surveys, plans and specifications, the cost of consultant and legal services, the cost of other expenses necessary or incidental to the construction of any project and the financing of the construction thereof and the financing of the placing of any project in operation, including reimbursement to the county or any municipality, state agency, the state, the United States government or any other person for expenditures that would be costs of a project hereunder had they been made directly by the authority. 7. "County" means the county of Chautauqua. 8. "Municipality" means any county, city, town, village, city school district, union free school district, central school district, common school district, any other such instrumentality, including any agency or public corporation of the state, or any of the foregoing or any combination thereof. 9. "Person" means any natural person, partnership, association, joint venture or corporation, exclusive of a public corporation. 10. "Project" means the sports, recreation or cultural facility, including the structures or parts thereof and appurtenances thereto, real property or any other property incidental to and included in such facility or part thereof, and any improvements, extensions and betterments. 11. "Real property" means lands, structures, franchises, rights and interests in land and air rights, and any and all things and rights included within such term and includes not only fees simple absolute, but also any and all lesser interests including, but not limited to, easements, rights-of-way, uses, leases, licenses and all other incorporeal hereditaments and every estate, interest or right, legal or equitable, including terms for years and liens thereon by way of judgments, mortgages or otherwise and also claims for damage to real estate.12. "Revenues" means all fees, charges, tolls, rentals, rates and other income and receipts derived from the operation of any of the sports, recreation or cultural facilities including, without limiting the generability of the foregoing, investment proceeds and proceeds of insurance, condemnation, and sale or other disposition of assets, together with old federal, state or municipal aid if any. 13. "Service area" means the area comprising Chautauqua county. 14. "Sports, recreation and cultural facilities" means real property and improvements and structures thereon in the county, used or to be used primarily for the conduct of sports, recreation events, meetings, exhibitions, cultural events and other events of civic, community and interest to the general public, including a sports complex, stadium or arena and other structures or related facilities, suitable for holding athletic, sports, recreation or cultural events or the foregoing described events, including parking therefor. 15. "State" means the state of New York. 16. "State agency" means any state officer, public benefit corporation, department, board, commission, bureau, division or other agency or instrumentality of the state.