2071 - Legislative findings.

§  2071.  Legislative findings. It is hereby found and determined that  the construction and operation of a civic center located within the city  of Peekskill at a location deemed suitable by the common council of  the  city,  which  will  provide  adequate  facilities  for  the  conduct  of  meetings, exhibits, the housing of municipal departments  and  functions  including  a  department  of  public  safety, court rooms and supporting  services, a library, a museum, meeting rooms and other  functions  which  have  relationship  to  the civic, community and general public interest  essential to the health, welfare and prosperity of  the  people  of  the  city of Peekskill and its neighbors, is in the public interest; that the  construction  and  maintenance of such a center in the city of Peekskill  is beneficial to its overall community  rehabilitation  and  improvement  programs  and is in all respects beneficial to the people of the city in  that it will further their welfare, recreation,  health,  education  and  prosperity  and  that such purposes are all public purposes which cannot  be  adequately  obtained  except  by  the  exercise  of  the  powers  of  government  and  that the authority will perform this essential function  in the exercise of powers confirmed upon it by this title.