1603 - City of North Tonawanda parking authority.

§ 1603. City of North Tonawanda parking authority. A board to be known  as  "City of North Tonawanda parking authority" is hereby created.  Such  board  shall  be  a  body  corporate,  constituting  a  public   benefit  corporation,  and  its  existence shall commence upon the appointment of  the members as herein provided. It shall consist of a chairman and  four  other  members, who shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of  the common council of the city. Of  the  members  first  appointed,  one  shall  be  appointed  for  a period of one year, one for a period of two  years, one for a period of three years, one for a period of four  years,  and one for a period of five years. At the expiration of such terms, the  terms  of  office  of  their successors shall be five years. Each member  shall continue to serve until the appointment and qualification  of  his  successor.  Vacancies  in  such  board  occurring  otherwise than by the  expiration of term, shall be filled for the unexpired term. The  members  of the board shall choose from their number a vice-chairman.  The common  council  may remove any member of the board for inefficiency, neglect of  duty or misconduct in office, giving him a copy of the  charges  against  him  and  an opportunity of being heard in person, or by counsel, in his  defense upon not less than ten days' notice. The members  of  the  board  shall  be  entitled  to  no compensation for their services but shall be  entitled to  reimbursement  for  their  actual  and  necessary  expenses  incurred  in the performance of their official duties. The powers of the  authority shall be vested in and exercised by a majority of the  members  of  the  board then in office. Such board may delegate to one or more of  its members or to its officers, agents and  employees  such  powers  and  duties  as  it  may  deem proper. Such board and its corporate existence  shall continue only for a period of five years, and thereafter until all  its liabilities have been met and its bonds have been paid  in  full  or  such  liabilities  or  bonds  have  otherwise  been discharged. Upon its  ceasing to exist, all its rights and properties shall pass to the city.