Title 9-A - (1225-A - 1225-Q) TRANSIT CONSTRUCTION FUND
- 1225-A - Short title.
- 1225-B - Definitions.
- 1225-C - Transit construction fund.
- 1225-D - Purpose of the fund.
- 1225-E - Administration of the fund.
- 1225-F - General powers of the fund.
- 1225-G - Agreement with the transportation authority.
- 1225-H - Resources of the fund.
- 1225-I - Payments to the fund.
- 1225-J - Federal, state and other aid.
- 1225-K - Title to property.
- 1225-L - Employees of the fund.
- 1225-M - Actions against fund.
- 1225-N - Assistance to the fund.
- 1225-O - Corporation counsel to be attorney.
- 1225-P - Exemption from taxation.
- 1225-Q - Construction.