1176 - Definitions.

§  1176.  Definitions.  As used or referred to in this title, unless a  different meaning clearly appears from the context,    1. The term "authority" shall mean the corporation created by  section  eleven hundred seventy-seven of this title;    2. The term "city" shall mean the city of Buffalo;    3.  The term "bonds" shall mean the bonds, notes, interim certificates  and other obligations issued by the authority pursuant to this title;    4. The term "board" shall mean the members of the authority;    5. The term "comptroller" shall mean the comptroller of the city;    6. The term "treasurer" shall mean the treasurer of the city;    7. The term "charter" shall mean the charter of the  city  enacted  by  the  electors of the city at a special election held on the twenty-ninth  day of August, nineteen hundred twenty-seven, as amended;    8. The term "project" shall mean a system of trunk,  intercepting  and  connecting,  lateral  and outlet sewers, storm water drains, pumping and  ventilating stations, disposal or treatment plants or works,  and  other  appliances  and  structures, which in the judgment of the authority will  provide an effectual and advantageous means for  relieving  the  Niagara  river,  Buffalo  river  and  Lake  Erie from pollution by the sewage and  waste of the city and relieving the city from  inadequate  sanitary  and  storm  water  drainage and for the sanitary disposal or treatment of the  sewage thereof, or  such  sections  or  parts  of  such  system  as  the  authority  may  from  time  to  time  deem  it  proper  or convenient to  construct, consistent with the plan or purpose of this title;    9. The term "existing sewer system" shall mean all sewers,  including,  without  limitation,  trunk, intercepting, connecting, lateral and other  sewers, storm water drains,  pumping  stations,  disposal  or  treatment  plants  or  works,  structures, appliances, equipment and other adjuncts  thereto, comprising the entire system of sewerage owned by the  city  at  the  time of the filing with the common council of the city and with the  secretary of the state of New York of a certificate of completion of the  project as provided in  section  eleven  hundred  seventy-nine  of  this  title;    10.  The  term  "facilities"  shall  include the project and, from and  after the filing with the common council of the city and  the  secretary  of  state  of  the state of New York of the certificate of completion of  the project, as provided in section eleven hundred seventy-nine of  this  title, the existing sewer system.    11. The term "attorney general" shall mean the attorney general of the  state of New York.    12.  The  term "general manager" shall mean the general manager of the  Buffalo sewer authority.    13. The term "hazardous substance" shall mean any substance which:    a. is identified or listed as a hazardous  waste  or  acute  hazardous  waste  in  regulation  promulgated  pursuant  to  section 27-0903 of the  environmental conservation law and all amendments thereto, regardless of  whether at the time of release the substance was actually a waste; or    b. appears on the list of substances hazardous or acutely hazardous to  public health, safety  or  the  environment  in  regulation  promulgated  pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of subdivision one of section 37-0103  of the environmental conservation law and all amendments thereto.    14.  The  term  "person"  shall mean any individual, public or private  corporation, political subdivision,  government  agency,  department  or  bureau of the state or federal government, municipality, co-partnership,  association,  firm,  trust,  estate or any other legal entity whatsoever  (including directors, officers or agents  thereof),  or  combination  of  persons.  The  masculine gender shall include the feminine, the singular  shall include the plural where indicated by the context.15. The term "pollutant" shall  mean  any  liquid,  solid  or  gaseous  substance,  or  combination  thereof,  which  may  cause  an  impairment  (reduction) of water quality to a degree that has an adverse  effect  on  any  beneficial use of the water, including but not limited to hazardous  substances.    16.  The term "effluent source" shall mean a source of introduction of  any waste into the facilities or  any  sewer  system  connected  to  the  facilities.    17. The term "discharge" shall mean any introduction of waste into the  facilities from any effluent source.    18.  The term "sewer system" shall mean pipelines or conduits, pumping  stations, and force mains and  all  other  constructions,  devices,  and  appliances  appurtenant  thereto,  wherever located, used for conducting  sewage, industrial waste or other waste into or through  the  facilities  of the authority to a point of ultimate disposal.    19. The term "domestic sewage" shall mean a combination of wastes from  the  non-commercial  preparation,  cooking,  and handling of food; human  bodily  wastes  and  similar  matter  from  sanitary   conveniences   in  dwellings,  commercial buildings, industrial buildings and institutions;  or   any   other   wastes   from   non-commercial,   non-industrial   or  non-institutional activities.    20. The term "domestic user" shall mean any user not covered under the  definition of "industrial user".    21.  The  term  "industrial  user"  shall mean a person who discharges  industrial waste.    22. The term "industrial waste"  shall  mean  any  liquid,  solid,  or  gaseous substance, or combination thereof, resulting from any process of  industrial,   commercial,   governmental   and  institutional  concerns,  manufacturing, business, trade, or research, including the  development,  recovery, or processing of natural resources, or from sources other than  those  described  as domestic sewage. Groundwater and surface runoff may  be considered to be industrial waste  if  contaminated  with  industrial  process chemical constituents.    23.  The  term  "sewage"  shall  mean  any  combination of wastes from  residences,   business   buildings,    institutions    and    industrial  establishment, together with such ground, surface and stormwaters as may  be present.    24.  The  term  "waste"  shall  mean  any  liquid,  solid  or  gaseous  substance, or combination thereof, that may be introduced into  a  sewer  system.    25.  The  term "user" shall mean any person who directly or indirectly  contributes, causes or permits the contribution of waste into the  sewer  system and into or through the authority's facilities.