1139*2 - Audit, annual report and information.

* § 1139. Audit, annual report and information. In conformity with the  provisions  of  section  five  of  article  ten of the constitution, the  accounts of the authority shall be subject to  the  supervision  of  the  comptroller.  The  authority  shall  annually submit to the governor and  comptroller and to the state legislature a detailed report  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  section  two  thousand five hundred of title one of  article nine of this chapter, and a copy of such report shall  be  filed  with  both  the  county  executive  and with the county legislature. The  authority shall comply with the provisions of sections two thousand five  hundred one, two thousand five hundred two and two thousand five hundred  three of title one of article nine of this chapter.    The county executive and the chairman of the  county  legislature  may  each  designate  a  representative to act as a liaison to the authority.  Each such liaison shall have the right to attend  all  meetings  of  the  authority  and  request,  from  time  to  time,  such information as the  liaison may deem reasonably necessary for the purpose of  informing  the  county  executive  and  the  county  legislature,  respectively,  of the  activities of the authority.    * NB There are 2 § 1139's