1268 - Co-operation and assistance of other agencies.

§  1268.  Co-operation  and  assistance of other agencies. 1. To avoid  duplication of effort and in the interests of economy, the authority may  make use of existing studies, surveys, plans, data and  other  materials  in  the  possession of any state agency or any municipality or political  subdivision of the state. Each such agency, municipality or  subdivision  is  hereby  authorized  to  make the same available to the authority and  otherwise to assist it in the  performance  of  its  functions.  At  the  request  of the authority, each such agency, municipality or subdivision  which is engaged in highway or other  transportation  activities  or  in  land  use  or development planning, or which is charged with the duty of  providing or regulating any transportation facility or any other  public  facility,   is   further   authorized  to  provide  the  authority  with  information   regarding   its   plans   and   programs   affecting   the  transportation  district  so that the authority may have available to it  current information with respect thereto. The officers and personnel  of  such   agencies,  municipalities  or  subdivisions,  and  of  any  other  government or agency whatever, may serve at the request of the authority  upon such advisory committees as the authority shall determine to create  and such officers and personnel may serve upon such  committees  without  forfeiture of office or employment and with no loss or diminution in the  compensation, status, rights and privileges which they otherwise enjoy.    2.   The  authority  shall,  at  the  request  of  any  state  agency,  municipality or political subdivision of the state, engaged  in  highway  or  other  transportation  activities  or  in  land  use  or development  planning,  provide  said  state  agency,   municipality   or   political  subdivision  with  all  current  and  relevant information regarding its  plans or  programs,  so  as  to  enable  said  agency,  municipality  or  subdivision to properly effectuate said activities or planning.    3.  To  the  extent  that  the  provisions of this title authorize the  authority to enter into any agreement or arrangement with, or  undertake  any  other  activity  requiring  the participation of, the New York city  transit authority or any of its subsidiary corporations  in  furtherance  of  their  respective  purposes  and powers or the Triborough bridge and  tunnel authority  in  furtherance  of  its  purposes  and  powers,  such  entities  are  hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and perform  such contract or other arrangement and to undertake such activities.