1303 - Capital District transportation authority.

§  1303.  Capital  District  transportation authority. 1. (a) There is  hereby  created  the  Capital  District  transportation  authority.  The  authority  shall  be  a body corporate and politic constituting a public  benefit corporation. It shall consist of not less than  eight  nor  more  than fifteen members, including a chairman and shall have one non-voting  member  as  described  in paragraph (b) of this subdivision. The members  shall be appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of  the  senate.  The  governor  shall  make  initial  appointments  to  the  authority  in  such  number  and  from lists submitted as follows: three  members shall be appointed to the authority from a list  of  six  names,  all  of  whom  shall be residents of the county of Albany, four of which  names shall be submitted to the governor by the majority  party  of  the  legislature  of  the  county  of  Albany and two of which names shall be  submitted by the minority party of such legislature; two  members  shall  be  appointed  to  the  authority from a list of four names, all of whom  shall be residents of the county of Schenectady, three  of  which  names  shall  be  submitted  to  the  governor  by  the  majority  party of the  legislature of the county of Schenectady and one of which names shall be  submitted by the minority party of such legislature; two  members  shall  be  appointed  to  the  authority from a list of four names, all of whom  shall be residents of the county of Rensselaer,  three  of  which  names  shall  be  submitted  to  the  governor  by  the  majority  party of the  legislature of the county of Rensselaer and one of which names shall  be  submitted  by  the minority party of such legislature; two members shall  be appointed to the authority from a list of four  names,  all  of  whom  shall be residents of the county of Saratoga, three of which names shall  be submitted to the governor by the majority party of the legislature of  the  county of Saratoga and one of which names shall be submitted by the  minority  party  of  such  legislature.  Other  counties   electing   to  participate shall each submit to the governor a list of two persons each  of  whom shall be a resident of such county, one of which names shall be  submitted to the governor by the majority party of  the  legislature  of  such  county  and  one of which names shall be submitted by the minority  party of such legislature, from which number the governor shall  appoint  one member for each such county so electing to participate.    (b)  There shall also be one non-voting member of the authority, which  shall not be considered in determining a quorum. The  non-voting  member  shall   be  recommended  to  the  governor  by  the  labor  organization  representing the plurality of the employees  within  the  authority  and  shall  be  a resident of the Capital District transportation district as  described in section thirteen hundred two of this title. The  non-voting  member  shall  be appointed for a term of five years, provided, however,  that if at any time during the term of appointment the non-voting member  ceases to be affiliated with the  labor  organization  representing  the  plurality   of   employees   within   the  authority,  then  such  labor  organization may at any time during such term recommend a new member  to  the  governor  who  shall  serve the remainder of the term. If the local  bargaining unit decertifies its existing union affiliation and certifies  a new union, the union which represents the plurality of  the  employees  may recommend a new member to the governor who shall serve the remainder  of  the  term.  The chairman of the authority, at his or her discretion,  may exclude such non-voting member  from  attending  any  portion  of  a  meeting  of  the  authority  or of any committee held for the purpose of  discussing negotiations with  labor  organizations,  pending  litigation  involving  the  labor organization, or the investigation, evaluation, or  discipline of an employee.    2. The members of the authority shall continue in office  until  their  successors  are  appointed  and shall have qualified. One of the membersappointed from the county of Albany shall be appointed for a term ending  July thirty-first, nineteen hundred  seventy-two;  one  of  the  members  appointed  from  the  counties  of  Albany,  Schenectady, Rensselaer and  Saratoga,  respectively,  shall  be  appointed  for  terms  ending  July  thirty-first, nineteen hundred seventy-three, respectively; one  of  the  members  appointed  from the counties of Albany, Schenectady, Rensselaer  and Saratoga, respectively, shall be appointed  for  terms  ending  July  thirty-first,  nineteen  hundred  seventy-four, respectively. The member  (or members) who is (or are) appointed from the other counties shall  be  appointed  for  a  term (or terms) of five years, but all terminating on  the thirty-first day  of  July  of  the  fifth  year.  Thereafter,  upon  expiration of the term of a member of the authority a successor shall be  appointed  by  the  governor  for  a  term expiring five years after the  expiration of the term of his predecessor. If a vacancy shall  occur  by  reason of a death, disqualification, resignation or removal of a member,  the  successor shall be appointed by the governor for the unexpired term  of, from the same area and by the same  procedure  as  his  predecessor.  Members of the authority shall, before entering upon the duties of their  office,  take the constitutional oath of office and file the same in the  office of the secretary  of  state.  No  person  while  serving  in  any  elective office shall be eligible to serve as a member of the authority.    3.  The  members  of the authority shall not receive a salary or other  compensation, but each member shall  be  entitled  to  reimbursement  of  actual  and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his or her  official duties.    4. A majority of the whole number of members of  the  authority  shall  constitute  a  quorum for the transaction of business or the exercise of  any power of the authority. Except as otherwise specified in  this  act,  for  the transaction of any business or the exercise of any power of the  authority, the authority shall have power to act by a  majority  of  the  members present at any meeting at which a quorum is in attendance.    5. The authority shall organize by the selection from its members of a  chairman,  vice-chairman  and secretary. It shall adopt such rules as it  may deem necessary and proper for the government of its own proceedings,  and shall keep a record of such proceedings.    6. The authority shall  be  a  "state  agency"  for  the  purposes  of  sections seventy-three and seventy-four of the public officers law.    7.  Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provision of this or any other  law, general, special or local, no officer or employee of the state,  or  of  any  public  corporation  as defined in the general corporation law,  shall be deemed to  have  forfeited  or  shall  forfeit  his  office  or  employment  or  any  benefits  provided  under the retirement and social  security law or under any public retirement  system  maintained  by  the  state  or  any  of  its  subdivisions  by  reason  of  his acceptance of  membership on or chairmanship of the  authority;  provided,  however,  a  member  or  chairman  who  holds  such other public office or employment  shall be entitled to reimbursement for his actual and necessary expenses  incurred in the performance of such services.    8. The governor may remove any member  for  inefficiency,  neglect  of  duty  or  misconduct  in  office  after giving him a copy of the charges  against him and an opportunity to be heard, in person or by  counsel  in  his defense, upon not less than ten days' notice. If any member shall be  so  removed,  the governor shall file in the office of the department of  state a complete statement of charges made against such member, and  his  findings thereon, together with a complete record of the proceedings.    9.  The  authority  shall  continue  so long as it shall have bonds or  other  obligations  outstanding  and  until  its  existence   shall   be  terminated  by  law.  Upon  the  termination  of  the  existence  of theauthority, all its rights and properties shall pass to and be vested  in  the state.    10. Each of the counties that elect to become participating members of  the  Capital  District  transportation  district may do so by resolution  adopted by a majority of the membership of its governing body  and  such  election  by  a  county  shall  take  effect  upon  the filing of a duly  certified copy of such  resolution  with  the  authority  and  with  the  secretary  of  state, and the mailing of a certified copy thereof to the  county clerk of each county which is granted the power of election under  the provisions of this act.