1020-G - Powers to provide and maintain generating, transmission and resource recovery waste to energy facilities.

§  1020-g. Powers to provide and maintain generating, transmission and  resource recovery waste  to  energy  facilities.  Without  limiting  the  generality  of  the  powers  conferred upon the authority by section one  thousand twenty-f of this title, the authority shall have  the  specific  power:    (a)  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  subdivision  one of section ten  hundred  twenty-s  of  this  title,  to  acquire,  construct,   improve,  rehabilitate,  maintain  and  operate  such generating, transmission and  related facilities as the authority  deems  necessary  or  desirable  to  maintain  an  adequate  and  dependable supply of gas and electric power  within the service area;    (b) Subject to the  provisions  of  subdivision  one  of  section  ten  hundred   twenty-s  of  this  title,  to  acquire,  construct,  improve,  rehabilitate, maintain and operate such hydroelectric or energy  storage  projects  within  the  state  as  it  deems  necessary  or  desirable to  contribute to the adequacy, economy and reliability  of  the  supply  of  electric power and energy or to conserve fuel;    (c)  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  subdivision  one of section ten  hundred twenty-s of this title, to determine the location,  type,  size,  construction, lease, purchase, ownership, acquisition, use and operation  of  any  generating,  transmission  or other related facility, provided,  however, that in making such determinations relating to  electric  power  facilities  the  authority  shall  give  primary  consideration  to  the  construction of energy efficient facilities, energy  conservation,  load  management programs, and cogeneration in the service area;    (d)  To  proceed  with  the physical construction or completion of any  generating, transmission or related facility;    (e) To apply to the appropriate agencies and officials of the  federal  and  state  governments,  for  such licenses, permits or approval of its  plans or projects as it may deem necessary or advisable, and  to  accept  such  licenses,  permits  or  approvals as may be tendered to it by such  agencies or officials, upon such terms and conditions  as  it  may  deem  appropriate;    (f)  To  institute  suit,  or  to  apply  to  any legislative body for  legislation, or to take such other action as it may  deem  necessary  or  advisable  in  the furtherance of the purposes of this title and for the  protection of its rights, if for any reason the authority shall fail  to  secure  any such license, permit or approval as it may deem necessary or  advisable;    (g) To study means of maintaining the customer base in, and attracting  commerce and industry to the service area;    (h) To implement programs and policies designed  to  provide  for  the  interconnection of: (i) (A) solar electric generating equipment owned or  operated  by  residential  customers, (B) farm waste electric generating  equipment owned or operated by customer-generators, (C)  solar  electric  generating equipment owned or operated by non-residential customers, (D)  micro-combined  heat  and  power  generating  equipment owned, leased or  operated by residential customers, and (E) fuel cell electric generating  equipment owned, leased or operated by residential  customers,  and  for  net  energy  metering  consistent with section sixty-six-j of the public  service law, to increase the efficiency of  energy  end  use,  to  shift  demand  from  periods  of  high  demand  to periods of low demand and to  facilitate the development  of  cogeneration;  and  (ii)  wind  electric  generating  equipment  owned  or operated by customer-generators and for  net energy metering consistent with section sixty-six-l  of  the  public  service law.    (i)  To develop, with public participation, a comprehensive least-cost  plan which shall consider practical and economical use of  conservation,renewable  resources,  and  cogeneration  for  providing  service to its  customers;    (j)  To cooperate with and to enter into contractual arrangements with  private utility companies or public entities:    (i) with respect to the construction and operation  of  facilities  by  the authority and the sale of all or part of the output therefrom;    (ii)  with  respect  to  the  construction,  completion,  acquisition,  ownership  and/or  operation  of  generating  facilities,  fuel,  docks,  sidings,  loading  or  unloading equipment, storage facilities and other  subsidiary  facilities  and  the  disposition  of  the  output  of  such  generating facilities; and    (iii)  with  respect  to  the  construction,  acquisition,  ownership,  operation and/or use of transmission facilities;    (k) To cooperate with and to enter into contractual arrangements  with  municipalities   with   respect   to   the   construction,  improvement,  rehabilitation, ownership and/or operation of generating facilities;    (l) To cooperate with and to enter into contractual arrangements  with  the  New  York  state  energy  research  and  development  authority  in  connection  with  the  planning,  siting,   development,   construction,  operation  and  maintenance  of  generating  facilities of the authority  utilizing new energy technologies;    (m) Subject to the provisions of section ten hundred twenty-aa of this  title, to construct, maintain and operate  resource  recovery  waste  to  energy facilities; and    (n)  After the establishment of Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) and  the commencement of its function as a utility, LIPA shall  acquire  from  LILCO  all  franchise  and  utility  service  responsibilities  for  all  ultimate consumers of gas and electricity within LILCO's former  service  territory,  including  the  responsibility  to provide safe and adequate  service.