19.11 - Functions of education department.

§  19.11  Functions  of education department.  Upon the request of the  commissioner,  the  following  functions  relating  to   identification,  restoration  and educational interpretation of historic sites and places  of historic interest shall be performed by the education department:    1. Preparation of interpretative literature, the texts  of  signs  and  markers,  exhibition,  and  other  presentations designed to utilize the  educational potential of historic sites.    2. Advising the office with respect to the custody, use,  cataloguing,  restoration  and  control  of  original  documents  and objects (such as  furniture, paintings,  equipment,  records,  drawings,  manuscripts  and  maps)  having unique historic significance. The office may assign to the  education department, and the education department may  accept,  custody  and control of any such original documents or objects.    3. Evaluation of the historic significance of historic sites, historic  site  development projects and places of historic interest; and advising  the office with respect  to  the  restoration,  interpretation  and  use  thereof.    The  office  shall  request  the evaluation of the education  department before approving the acquisition of an historic site  or  the  undertaking of an historic site development project.    4.  Such  other  functions relating to the identification, restoration  and educational interpretation of historic sites as may be  agreed  upon  between the office and the education department.