17.03 - Allocation of monies.

§  17.03  Allocation  of monies. The monies received by the state from  the sale of bonds sold pursuant to the  outdoor  recreation  development  bond  act  shall  be expended pursuant to appropriations for (1) marine,  (2) park, (3) historic site and (4) forest recreation projects, and  for  (5)  municipal  park  projects  in  New York city and (6) municipal park  projects outside New York City. The director of the budget shall certify  to the state comptroller on the first day of April  of  each  year  that  portion  of  the  outdoor  recreation development bond act authorization  estimated to be expended in the ensuing fiscal  year  for  each  of  the  above  purposes  in  fulfillment  of  capital  construction  development  appropriations,  and  proceeds  of  the  sale  of   outdoor   recreation  development  bonds  shall  be  so  allocated.  Such certification may be  amended from time to time by the director of the budget. The director of  the budget shall file a copy of  such  certificate  and  each  amendment  thereof  with  the  chairman  of  the  senate finance committee, and the  chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.