14.05 - Statewide historic preservation program.

§  14.05 Statewide historic preservation program.  1. The commissioner  shall continue and advance a  statewide  historic  preservation  program  which shall include:    (a)  Surveying  and  inventorying  historic  places and properties for  nomination to the national  register  and  state  register  of  historic  places; and    (b)  Continuing  planning  activities  to  foster the preservation and  management of historic properties as living parts of our communities and  the  effective  representation  of  historic   preservation   in   state  environmental planning activities; and    (c)  Administering  a  program of grants with funds available from the  federal government and funds appropriated by the state for  the  purpose  of  assisting  local  and  regional  preservation  programs  or projects  preserving historic properties for public benefit; and    (d) Assisting and encouraging local governments and  private  agencies  and  individuals  to  expand  and  advance  their  historic preservation  programs and activities; and    (e) Educating the public by increasing awareness and pride in historic  and cultural resources and the  opportunities  for  continuing  use  and  adaptive reuse of historic properties.    2.  For  the  purpose  of  implementing and coordinating the statewide  historic preservation program established pursuant to the provisions  of  this  article  and such other provisions of law which may be applicable,  every state agency shall have a preservation officer who as  defined  in  this  article  shall  serve  as  liaison  to the commissioner on matters  affecting historic preservation in relation to properties  within  their  respective   jurisdictions.  For  the  purposes  of  this  article,  the  responsibility of an agency preservation officer  shall  extend  to  all  property  owned  by  or held on behalf of the people of the state by the  agency of which he is an officer. Each agency preservation  officer  may  delegate the liaison role created pursuant to this article by submitting  the  name of the designee or designees, in writing, to the commissioner.  For the purpose of implementing and coordinating the statewide  historic  preservation program pursuant to the provisions of this article and such  other  provisions  of  law  which  may be applicable to local government  programs for  the  preservation,  restoration  and  maintenance  of  the  historical,  architectural,  archeological and cultural environment, the  chief executive  officer  or  the  designee  of  such  officer  or  each  municipality  in the state shall serve as liaison to the commissioner on  matters affecting historic preservation in relation to properties within  such officer's respective jurisdiction.    3. The commissioner may prepare and distribute informational  material  and  conduct  informational  meetings  and  other  sessions  for  agency  preservation  officers  and  municipal  officials  appropriate  to   the  promotion  of  state  and  local  preservation activities and the proper  fulfillment of their liaison role.    4. Each agency preservation officer shall and municipal officials may:  cooperate  with  the  commissioner   concerning   the   conduct   of   a  comprehensive  survey  of  historic resources which shall be used in the  compilation of a comprehensive inventory of  historic  property;  advise  the commissioner concerning state and local historic preservation policy  and programs, and assist the commissioner in the preparation of reports.