13.25 - State reservation at Saratoga Springs.

§  13.25  State  reservation  at  Saratoga Springs. In addition to the  powers, functions and duties conferred upon him by other  provisions  of  this  act, the commissioner shall, with respect to the state reservation  at Saratoga Springs:    1. Have the care, custody and control of said  reservation,  including  all minerals, waters and gases thereon.    2.  Make reasonable provisions for the free drinking of such waters by  the public.    3. Grant leases or concessions for the use  of  any  portion  of  such  property, including real property.    4. Regulate the sale of any waters or gases of the reservation.    5.  Adopt  and  register,  where appropriate, such trademarks or trade  names as may be necessary or desirable with respect to  such  waters  or  gasses,  and  take  such action as may be required to protect the use of  such trademarks or trade names.    6. Take such action as may be necessary or desirable  to  prevent  the  adulteration of such waters or gases.