5.09 - Powers, functions and duties.

§ 5.09 Powers, functions and duties.  The council shall:    1.  Review  the  policy, budget and statewide plans of the department,  and  make  appropriate  recommendations  regarding  their  amendment  or  adoption.    2.  Submit  reports  to  the  governor,  not less than once each year,  concerning progress in the area of state parks, recreation and  historic  preservation,  including  recommendations  for  the future, and covering  such other matters as the council may deem appropriate.    3. Act as a central advisory agency on all  matters  affecting  parks,  recreation and historic preservation.    4.   Recommend,   from  among  its  members  and  for  the  governor's  consideration, a chairman and vice-chairman.    5. Adopt such by-laws as may be required for the organization  of  the  council and the conduct of its affairs.    6.  Within  amounts  appropriated  to  the  council, have the power to  contract, outside the city of New York, with federally-funded non-profit  organizations that are organized for the purpose  of  beautification  of  highways,  parks  and recreation areas and employ persons sixty years of  age or older whose net  annual  income  does  not  exceed  one  thousand  dollars  to  carry  out  such  activities.   The contract shall name the  organization, the amount and manner of payment for  the  service  to  be  rendered, nature of such service, the rendering of a verified account of  the disbursements with verified or certified vouchers therefor attached,  a  refund  of  any unused amount, and such other conditions upon the use  thereof as may be deemed proper.