3.01 - Declaration of policy.

§  3.01  Declaration of policy.   The state of New York is abundant in  natural, scenic and other  recreational  resources,  which  for  over  a  century  have  educated,  edified,  uplifted and delighted our citizens.  The establishment and  maintenance  of  a  statewide  system  of  parks,  recreation  and historic preservation are hereby declared to be policies  of the state;    It is further declared that the general welfare of each citizen of the  state is enhanced and promoted by  giving  further  recognition  to  the  magnificent state park, recreation and historic site system which is now  in existence;    It  is  further  declared that the individual's sense of purpose, well  being,  and  identity  are  fostered  and  strengthened  through  parks,  recreation and historic preservation programs;    It  is  further  declared  that local, state and national programs for  parks, recreation and historic preservation must be coordinated and that  such coordination is logically a state function;    It  is  further  declared  that  the  natural,  ecological,  historic,  cultural  and  recreational  resources within the state park, recreation  and  historic  site  system  are  integral  components  of  the  state's  environment   and  contribute  substantially  to  the  quality  of  that  environment and to the quality of our lives;    It  is  further  declared  that  the  stewardship  of   the   natural,  ecological,  historic,  cultural  and  recreational resources within the  state  park,  recreation  and  historic  site  system   is   a   primary  responsibility of the state;    It  is  further  stated  that  these  purposes  can  best be served by  continuing the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation  in  accordance with the terms of this chapter.