Article 15 - (1501 - 1517) PUBLIC CEMETERY CORPORATIONS
- 1501 - Declaration of policy.
- 1502 - Definitions.
- 1503 - Application.
- 1504 - Cemetery board and general administration.
- 1505 - Special requirements of incorporation.
- 1505-A - Additional requirements for incorporation of crematories.
- 1506 - Cemetery lands.
- 1506-A - Cemetery corporations; restrictions.
- 1506-B - Transfer of lands of Valley View Rural Cemetery.
- 1506-C - Abandoned cemetery maintenance by cemetery corporations.
- 1507 - Trust funds.
- 1507-A - State cemetery board citizens advisory council.
- 1508 - Reports by cemeteries.
- 1509 - Cemetery rules and regulations; charges and lot tax assessments.
- 1510 - Cemetery duties.
- 1510-A - Repair or removal of monuments.
- 1510-B - Availability for interment on six-day basis.
- 1511 - Cemetery indebtedness.
- 1512 - Rights of lot owners.
- 1513 - Sale of burial rights.
- 1513-A - Reacquisition of a lot, plot or part thereof by a cemetery corporation.
- 1514 - Misdemeanor; general penalty.
- 1515 - Actions affecting cemetery corporations.
- 1516 - Sale of monuments.
- 1517 - Crematory operations.