1406 - Medical societies.

§ 1406. Medical societies.    (a)  Medical societies heretofore formed.    Any  medical  society now existing in any of the counties of the state  set apart prior to or since the passage of the act entitled "An  act  to  incorporate medical societies for the purpose of regulating the practice  of  physic  and  surgery  in  this  state," passed April tenth, eighteen  hundred and thirteen, and not heretofore  duly  incorporated  under  the  provisions of said act shall, upon complying with the provisions of this  section  enjoy  the  same  privileges and possess the same powers as the  societies incorporated by virtue of such act now enjoy and possess,  but  subject,  nevertheless,  to  the provisions of any acts or parts of acts  heretofore passed in relation to medical societies or  to  regulate  the  practice of physic and surgery in this state.    (b)  Type of corporation.    A medical society is a Type A corporation under this chapter.    (c)  Certificate of incorporation, additional contents.    In  addition  to  the  requirements of section 402, the certificate of  incorporation of a medical society shall state:   (1) the name  of  such  society;  (2) the date of its organization; (3) the names and residences  of its members; and (4) that such society, by a  majority  vote  of  its  members,  has  elected  to  become  and be a body corporate under and by  virtue of the Act described in paragraph (a),  and  be  subject  to  the  provisions  of  any  acts or parts of acts heretofore enacted and now in  force, in relation to such societies or  the  practice  of  medicine  or  surgery in this state.    (d)  Regulations for county medical societies.    It  shall  be  lawful  for  any  county medical society in this state,  entitled to representation in the medical society of the  state  of  New  York, or in the homeopathic medical society of the state of New York, to  establish  such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of  the state, for the government of its members as such county society  may  deem  fit,  provided  such  action  receives  the  sanction of the state  medical society in which such county  medical  society  is  represented.  Such  county  medical  society may fix the amount of the annual dues and  assessments to be collected from its members.    (e)  Enforcement of discipline; appeal.    Every county medical society shall have full power  and  authority  to  enforce  discipline  among  its  members  and obedience to its rules and  regulations and to expel or otherwise discipline its members as  it  may  deem  for  the  best  interests  of  the society.   Any member of such a  society who has been disciplined or an applicant for membership therein,  who has been refused membership, feeling aggrieved at the action of  the  society,  shall  have  the right to appeal to the medical society of the  state of New York, in which such county medical society is represented.    (f)  Power to acquire property.    It shall be lawful  for  any  county  medical  society  heretofore  or  hereafter  incorporated  and for the medical society of the state of New  York and for the homeopathic medical society of the state of New York to  acquire and hold for its corporate purposes real and  personal  property  without  limitation  of  amount or value, notwithstanding any limitation  heretofore existing.