45-AAAA*2 - Special provisions relating to speed on Sodus Bay.

* § 45-aaaa. Special  provisions relating to speed on Sodus Bay. 1. No  vessel shall be operated within that area of the Sodus Bay  Channel  and  Sodus Bay bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Sodus outer  light  at  the  north-westerly  most  point of the west breakwall of the  Sodus Bay Channel and running thence southerly to the south-west  corner  of  such breakwall; thence running south-westerly along the shoreline of  Sodus Point; thence south-easterly along the shoreline of Sand Point  to  the  easterly  most  point  on  said  Sand  Point, said point being more  specifically  defined  as  latitude  431558,  longitude  765814;  thence  northerly  across Sodus Bay to a point on the east breakwall, said point  more  specifically  being  defined  as  latitude   43