79-B - Vessel and equipment anti-theft program; eligibility for state aid.

§ 79-b. Vessel and equipment anti-theft program; eligibility for state  aid.  1. The commissioner of parks, recreation and historic preservation  shall establish a vessel and related equipment anti-theft program, which  shall be applicable on all waterways or bodies of water  located  within  New  York  state  or that part of any body of water adjacent to New York  state over which the state has territorial jurisdiction,  and  on  which  watercraft may be used or operated. Such program shall include, but need  not  be  limited  to  provisions relating to the reporting of vessel and  related equipment theft, the dissemination of  information  relating  to  vessel   and   related   equipment   theft,   personnel   training,  the  establishment of a system to aid in the identification of stolen vessels  and related law enforcement functions.    * 1-a. The commissioner shall  establish  an  "I  love  NY  waterways"  boating safety program which shall be applicable on the navigable waters  of  the  state  or  any  tidewaters  bordering  on  or  lying within the  boundaries of Nassau and Suffolk counties. Such  program  shall  include  boating  safety and accident prevention education and measures to reduce  alcohol-related boating accidents and injuries.    * NB There are 2 sb 1-a's    * 1-a.  The  commissioner  shall  establish  a  boating  noise   level  enforcement program which shall be applicable on the navigable waters of  the  state or any tidewaters bordering on or lying within the boundaries  of Nassau and Suffolk counties.    * NB There are 2 sb 1-a's    2. Each eligible governmental entity  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  state  aid  as hereinafter provided. An entity seeking reimbursement for  expenditures incurred in enforcement of this chapter  and  participation  in approved accident reporting and anti-theft programs and/or an "I love  NY  waterways"  boating  safety  program  and/or  a  boating noise level  enforcement program shall submit to the commissioner by October first of  each year an estimate of such  expenditures  for  the  current  calendar  year,  in  such  form and containing such information as he may require.  Within one month after the close of the calendar year, it  shall  submit  to  the  commissioner  a  statement  of authorized expenditures actually  incurred, in such  form  and  containing  such  information  as  he  may  require.    3.  The  amount  of state aid to be allocated to eligible governmental  entities  pursuant  to  this  article  shall  be   determined   by   the  commissioner  as  hereinafter provided. The commissioner shall determine  the percentage proportion which  the  authorized  expenditures  of  each  individual  entity, not exceeding four hundred thousand dollars for each  county  including  municipalities  therein,  shall  bear  to  the  total  authorized  expenditures  of  all  entities.  Such percentage proportion  shall then be applied against an amount equal to one-half of  the  total  of  the  amount  received by the state in each preceding program year in  vessel registration fees  as  provided  in  section  twenty-two  hundred  fifty-one  of  the  vehicle  and  traffic  law, less no more than thirty  percent, subject to appropriation, which may be used by the commissioner  and the commissioner of motor vehicles for administrative costs  of  the  program,  including  training  and  equipment,  and by the department of  environmental conservation, the division of state police and other state  agencies, subject to the approval of the commissioner, for the  purposes  of this article, plus the entire amount received pursuant to subdivision  nine  of  section forty-four of this chapter. The amount thus determined  shall constitute the maximum amount of state  aid  to  which  each  such  entity  shall  be  entitled;  provided,  however,  that  no entity shall  receive state aid in an  amount  in  excess  of  fifty  percent  of  its  authorized expenditures as approved by the commissioner for such programyear.  The commissioner shall certify to the comptroller the amount thus  determined for each eligible local governmental entity as the amount  of  state  aid to be apportioned to such eligible local governmental entity.  The  allocation  of  state aid to any county, town or village within the  Lake George park shall not be reduced because of the allocation of state  aid to the Lake George park commission. Of the remaining funds  received  by  the  state  for  the  registration of vessels as provided in section  twenty-two hundred fifty-one of the vehicle and  traffic  law,  no  less  than  six  percent  shall  be made available to the commissioner for the  expenses of the office in providing navigation law enforcement  training  and administering the provisions of this section.    4.  The  amount of funds historically appropriated by any municipality  receiving funding pursuant to this article shall not be reduced  because  of the availability of appropriations from such fund.