35 - Aids to navigation.

§ 35. Aids  to navigation. The commissioner may authorize, through the  issuance of a revocable permit, the placing of aids to navigation in the  navigable waters of the state, and any tidewaters bordering on or  lying  within   the   boundaries  of  Nassau  and  Suffolk  counties,  to  mark  obstructions to navigation,  or  for  any  other  purpose,  if,  in  his  judgment, it will promote safety of navigation. Any person interested in  the  navigation of the navigable waters of the state, and any tidewaters  bordering on or lying  within  the  boundaries  of  Nassau  and  Suffolk  counties,  who  may  desire  to  place  such aids to navigation therein,  without expense to the state, may make application to  the  commissioner  and  submit  a  map  suitable  for  blue  print reproduction showing the  proposed location of  such  aids  to  navigation  and  their  color  and  meaning.  The commissioner shall make rules and regulations establishing  the size, shape, color and significance of such aids to navigation. When  authorization has been granted the said  aids  to  navigation  shall  be  deemed lawfully placed. If, in the judgment of the commissioner, aids to  navigation  authorized  by him are found to be improperly placed or that  the reason for their placement no  longer  exists,  he  may  revoke  the  permit  authorizing  their  placement  by  written  notice mailed to the  person to whom the permit was issued directing their  removal  within  a  specified  time.  The  person  to  whom  such  notice  is directed shall  thereupon  remove  the  aids  to  navigation  in  accordance  with  such  instructions. In case of failure by the person so directed to remove the  aids to navigation within the specified time, the commissioner may cause  their  removal.  The  cost and expense of such removal shall be a charge  against the person authorized to place the aids  to  navigation  and  it  shall   be   recoverable  through  action  in  any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction. Each aid to navigation lawfully placed  shall  bear  in  a  conspicuous place and in legible condition the letters "NYS". Any person  placing  such  designating  letters on an aid to navigation not lawfully  placed,  in  accordance  with  this  section,  shall  be  guilty  of   a  misdemeanor  and  upon  conviction  by a court of competent jurisdiction  shall be subject to a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars for each  and every offense. Any person who shall moor or fasten  a  vessel  to  a  lawfully  placed  aid  to navigation or shall wilfully damage, alter the  location of, or otherwise render ineffective a lawfully  placed  aid  to  navigation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction before a  court  of  competent jurisdiction shall be subject to a fine of not more  than fifty dollars for each and every offense.