304 - Penalties for violations.

§ 304. Penalties for violations. 1. Any person, who having been served  with a notice or order to remove any violation of this chapter or of any  nuisance,  fails  to  comply therewith within thirty days or within such  further reasonable time therefore fixed  by  the  department,  shall  be  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor  punishable for each offense by a fine of not  exceeding five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a  period  of  one  year,  or  by both such fine and imprisonment. However, every person who  shall violate or assist in a violation  of  any  provision  of  sections  forty,  seventy  and  one  hundred  seventy-four  shall  be guilty of an  offense punishable by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor  exceeding  five  hundred  dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six  months, or by  both  such  fine  and  imprisonment.  Courts  of  special  sessions  shall  have  exclusive  jurisdiction  in the municipalities to  which this chapter is  applicable  to  hear  and  determine  charges  of  violations constituting misdemeanors or offenses under this chapter.    2.  The term "person" as used in this section shall include the owner,  mortgagee  or  vendee  in  possession,  assignee  of  rents,   receiver,  executor,   trustee,   lessee,  agent  or  any  other  person,  firm  or  corporation directly or indirectly in control  of  a  dwelling  or  part  thereof.