256 - Bulkheads and scuttles.

§ 256. Bulkheads and scuttles.  1. Every required stair and fire-stair  in  a  dwelling  three  stories  or more in height shall have a bulkhead  constructed as provided for fireproof dwellings in section  two  hundred  four.    2. A dwelling which is two stories or less in height shall be provided  at each required stair or fire-stair either with such bulkhead or with a  scuttle  at least two feet by three feet in size, located in the ceiling  of the public hall on  the  top  story.  Every  such  scuttle  shall  be  arranged  to  be  readily  opened,  shall be covered on the outside with  metal and shall be provided with stairs or  a  stationary  metal  ladder  leading  thereto  and  easily  accessible  to  all  the occupants of the  dwelling.    3. When the roof of a dwelling is pitched or sloped more than  fifteen  degrees,  no  bulkhead  or  scuttle, or stair or ladder leading thereto,  shall be required.