19.17 - Programs, services, and operation of facilities in the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services.

§ 19.17 Programs, services, and operation of facilities in the office of            alcoholism and substance abuse services.    (a)  The  commissioner  shall  establish  policy and procedure for the  organization, administration, and operation of facilities under  his  or  her  jurisdiction.  He  or  she  shall  make provision for the efficient  rendition of services to patients by such facilities.    (b) The commissioner shall establish the  areas  which  each  facility  under his or her jurisdiction shall serve and the categories of patients  which   each   such  facility  shall  receive,  retain,  or  treat.  The  commissioner shall provide for priority of admission for  persons  whose  children  have been placed in foster care or are in jeopardy of being so  placed pursuant to article ten of the family court act or article six of  the social services law.    (c) The commissioner may permit the other offices  of  the  department  and   any   public  or  private  non-profit  organization  or  political  subdivision of the state to operate programs for the  mentally  disabled  not  inconsistent with the programs and objectives of the department, in  any facility under his or her jurisdiction.  The commissioner may permit  any facility under his or her jurisdiction to operate programs  for  the  mentally  disabled, not inconsistent with the programs and objectives of  the department, under contracts or agreements with other offices  within  the department.    (d)  The  commissioner  shall  direct  and  carry  on  basic clinical,  epidemiological, social science, evaluative, and statistical research in  chemical abuse and dependence either individually or in conjunction with  other  agencies,  public  or  private,  and,  within  the  amounts  made  available   by   appropriation  therefor,  develop  pilot  programs.  In  pursuance of the foregoing and notwithstanding any  other  provision  of  law,  the  office may establish, direct, and carry on experimental pilot  clinical programs providing for early intervention and for treatment  of  chemical   abuse   and   dependence.  Such  treatment  may  include  the  administration, under medical supervision and control,  of  experimental  substances.    (e)  The  office  shall  have  the authority to gather information and  maintain statistical and other records relating to  chemical  abuse  and  dependence  services  in  the  state.  Any  person licensed or otherwise  permitted to dispense, administer, or conduct research with respect to a  controlled substance in the course of a licensed  professional  practice  or  research  license  pursuant  to  article  thirty-three of the public  health law and all  public  officials  having  duties  to  perform  with  respect  to  controlled  substances  or  users  of such substances shall  report and supply such information to the office in relation thereto  as  the  office  shall by rule, regulation, or order require consistent with  appropriate state and federal law relative  to  the  confidentiality  of  patient records.    (f)  There  shall  be in the office the facilities named below for the  care, treatment and rehabilitation of  the  mentally  disabled  and  for  clinical  research  and  teaching in the science and skills required for  the care, treatment and rehabilitation of such mentally disabled.    R.E. Blaisdell Addiction Treatment Center    Bronx Addiction Treatment Center    C.K. Post Addiction Treatment Center    Creedmoor Addiction Treatment Center    Dick Van Dyke Addiction Treatment Center    Kingsboro Addiction Treatment Center    McPike Addiction Treatment Center    Richard C. Ward Addiction Treatment Center    J.L. Norris Addiction Treatment CenterSouth Beach Addiction Treatment Center    St. Lawrence Addiction Treatment Center    Stutzman Addiction Treatment Center    (g)  The  office  shall have the authority to establish an information  policy and  data  reporting  procedure  for  the  collection,  use,  and  disclosure  of  data  from  providers  of  chemical dependence services,  including procedures to ensure  the  protection  of  patient-identifying  information and data gathered pursuant to section 19.16 of this article,  which  shall  be deemed confidential except as otherwise provided by law  including, but not limited to, articles six  and  six-A  of  the  public  officers law.