19.06 - Advisory council on under age alcohol consumption.

§ 19.06 Advisory council on underage alcohol consumption.    1. Definitions. As used in this section:    (a)  "Council"  shall  mean  the  advisory council on underage alcohol  consumption created by this section.    (b) "Chairperson" shall mean the chairperson of the  advisory  council  on underage alcohol consumption.    2.  Advisory  council on underage alcohol consumption. There is hereby  created an advisory council on underage alcohol consumption. The council  shall consist of twenty-one members, who are broadly  representative  of  the  various  groups  in society which are stakeholders in the effort to  combat underage alcohol consumption. Seven members shall be appointed by  the governor, seven members by the temporary president of the senate and  seven  members  by  the  speaker  of  the  assembly.  In   making   such  appointments,  due  consideration  shall be given to the recommendations  made by representative civic, educational, legal and advocacy groups and  associations concerned with, or otherwise engaged in, the representation  of the interests of the youth of New York state. The  commissioner,  the  chairman  of  the  state  liquor  authority,  the commissioner of mental  health, the attorney general, the temporary president of the senate  and  the speaker of the assembly shall be ex-officio members of the council.    3. Term of office for council members. (a) The term of office for each  member  of  the  council  shall  be  two years. Vacancies in the council  occurring, other than by expiration of a term, shall be filled  for  the  remainder  of  the  unexpired  term  in  the  same  manner  as  original  appointments.    (b) At the beginning of each two year term, the members of the council  shall choose one member of the council  to  be  a  chairperson  and  one  member  to be vice-chairperson. The members of the council shall receive  no compensation for their services, but  shall  be  reimbursed  for  all  expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in the performance of  their  duties  under  this  section  within the amount made available by  appropriation therefor.    4. Powers and duties of  the  council.  The  council  shall  have  the  following powers and duties:    (a)  To receive information with respect to, and to study and analyze,  incidents of underage consumption of alcoholic beverages, and to examine  the elements of such  incidents  to  identify  those  factors  that  are  consistently associated with such behavior;    (b) To identify and analyze the responses to underage drinking made by  governmental   officials,   including   law  enforcement  officials  and  prosecutors, and to make recommendations as to  whether  such  responses  appear  to be achieving decreases in the incidence of such behavior, and  if not, whether it appears that a change is  required  in  policies  and  procedures;    (c)  To  conduct  public hearings as may be necessary to carry out its  functions under this section;    (d) To make recommendations with respect to the following:    (i) educational programs to teach children  the  dangers  of  underage  drinking;    (ii)  training  programs for law enforcement officials and prosecutors  to sensitize them to  the  special  nature  of  youth-related  crime  to  encourage them to develop appropriate responses;    (iii)  the  appropriateness  and  effectiveness  of existing civil and  criminal laws in redressing  underage  drinking  and  any  changes  that  should be made in such laws; and    (iv)  such  other  matters as may be deemed appropriate by the council  after consultation with involved parties;(e) To promulgate any necessary rules of order or procedures  relating  to  the  administration  and performance of the powers and duties of the  council pursuant to this section; and    (f)  To  perform all other tasks necessary and convenient to carry out  the functions, powers and duties of the council and  to  effectuate  the  purposes of this section.    5.  Report. The council shall submit a written report to the governor,  temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly by  no  later  than October first of the year next succeeding the effective date  of  this  section   and   annually   thereafter,   setting   forth   the  recommendations  and  activities  of  the  council on matters within the  scope of its powers and duties as set forth in this section.