Title 2 - (230 - 245) FIRE PROTECTION
- 230 - Chimneys and fireplaces.
- 231 - Egress.
- 232 - Fire-escapes.
- 233 - Bulkheads and scuttles.
- 234 - Stairs and public halls.
- 235 - Stairs in non-fireproof tenements.
- 236 - Stairs in fireproof tenements.
- 237 - Stair construction.
- 238 - Stair and entrance halls.
- 239 - Tower fire-escapes and supplemental stairs.
- 240 - First tier of beams.
- 241 - Partitions; fire-stopping.
- 242 - Cellar and basement stairs in non-fireproof tenements.
- 243 - Cellar and basement stairs in fireproof tenements.
- 244 - Spaces under stairs.
- 245 - Cellar entrance.