201-A - Proceeding to determine validity of liens.

§  201-a.  Proceeding  to determine validity of liens. Within ten days  after service of the notice of sale, the owner or any person entitled to  notice pursuant to section two hundred one of this article may  commence  a  special proceeding to determine the validity of the lien. The special  proceeding may be brought in any court which would have jurisdiction  to  render  a  judgment  for  a  sum equal to the amount of the lien. If the  owner or any such person shall show that the lienor is not  entitled  to  claim  a lien in the property, or that all or part of the amount claimed  by the lienor has not been properly charged to the account of such owner  or such person, or, as the case may be, that all or part of such  amount  exceeds  the  fair and reasonable value of the services performed by the  lienor, the court shall direct the entry of judgment cancelling the lien  or reducing the amount claimed thereunder  accordingly.  If  the  lienor  shall  establish  the  validity  of  the  lien, in whole or in part, the  judgment shall fix the amount thereof, and shall provide that  the  sale  may  proceed upon the expiration of five days after service of a copy of  the judgment together with notice of entry thereof  upon  the  owner  or  such  person,  unless the property is redeemed prior thereto pursuant to  section two hundred three of this article. If the lien is cancelled, the  judgment shall provide that, upon service of  a  copy  of  the  judgment  together with notice of entry thereof upon the lienor, the owner or such  person shall be entitled to possession of the property.