189 - Liens of hospitals.

§  189.  Liens  of  hospitals. 1. Every corporation incorporated under  general law or special act as a  charitable  institution  maintaining  a  hospital  in  the  state  supported  in whole or in part by charity, the  state university of New York and every county,  city,  town  or  village  operating  and  maintaining  a  hospital shall to the extent hereinafter  provided have a lien upon any and all rights of action,  suits,  claims,  counterclaims  or  demands,  of  any  nature  whatsoever,  of any person  receiving emergency treatment or  admitted  to  any  such  hospital  and  receiving  treatment,  care  and  maintenance therein, on account of any  personal injuries  received  within  a  period  of  one  week  prior  to  receiving  emergency  treatment  or admission to the hospital and as the  result of the negligence, wrongful act or any other tort, of  any  other  person  or  persons or corporation, which any such injured person or the  legal representative of such injured person, in case  of  death  as  the  result  of  such injuries, may or shall have, assert or maintain against  any such other person or corporation for  damages  on  account  of  such  injuries, for the amount of the reasonable charges of such hospital, for  the treatment, care and maintenance of such injured person at cost rates  in such hospital. If such injured person received emergency treatment or  was  admitted  to  the hospital on account of personal injuries received  within a week prior to such treatment or admission, the state university  or any such corporation or  such  municipal  corporation  maintaining  a  hospital  to  which  such  person  may  be  transferred  for  subsequent  treatment of the same injuries shall also have a lien as provided herein  although such transfer may occur during or after a week  from  the  time  when  such  injuries  were  received.  No  such lien shall be effective,  however, unless a written notice containing the name and address of  the  injured  person,  the date of the accident, the name and location of the  hospital and  the  name  of  the  person  or  persons,  firm  or  firms,  corporation  or  corporations  alleged to be liable to the injured party  for the injuries received, shall prior to the payment of any  moneys  to  such   injured  person,  his  attorneys,  or  legal  representatives  as  compensation for such injuries be mailed, registered  or  certified  and  postage prepaid, to the person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or  corporations, alleged to be liable to the injured party for the injuries  sustained  prior to the payment to such injured person, his attorneys or  legal representatives, as compensation for such injuries. Such  hospital  shall  mail  a  copy  of  such notice to any insurance carrier which has  insured such person, firm or corporation against  such  liability.  Such  mailing  shall  be deemed to be effective notwithstanding any inaccuracy  or omission therein  if  the  information  contained  therein  shall  be  sufficient  to enable the person or persons or corporation alleged to be  liable, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, to identify the injured  person, the occurrence upon which the claim for damages is based and the  name and address of  the  hospital  asserting  the  lien.  Any  hospital  claiming  a  lien hereunder shall, in addition to the foregoing, file in  the office of the county clerk of the county in which  the  hospital  is  located  and mail to the persons and in the manner above provided, after  the discharge of any injured person, an additional notice of lien,  duly  verified, which shall show the total hospital charges which have accrued  and no lien hereunder shall exceed this amount.    2.  (a)  Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) hereof the lien of  any such hospital shall attach: (i) To any  verdict,  decision,  decree,  judgment  or  final  order  made  or  rendered  in  any  suit, action or  proceeding of any nature whatsoever, brought in any court of this state,  by such injured person, or the  legal  representative  of  such  injured  person  in  case  of  death  as the result of such injuries, against any  other person or persons or corporation for the recovery  of  damages  orcompensation on account of such injuries or for the death of such person  resulting therefrom, as well as to the proceeds of any settlement of any  such verdict, decision, decree, judgment or final order made or rendered  in any such suit, action or proceeding.    (ii) To the proceeds of the settlement or compromise of any such suit,  action  or  proceeding,  effected, before any verdict, decision, decree,  judgment or final order is made or rendered therein, by any such injured  person or his legal representative in case  of  death,  with  any  other  person, persons, or corporation claimed or alleged to be liable for said  injuries  or  death, or with any other person or persons or corporations  on account thereof.    (iii) To the proceeds of the settlement  or  compromise  of  any  such  claim,  demand,  or cause of action effected, before the commencement of  any suit, action or proceeding thereon, by any such  injured  person  or  his  legal  representative  in  case of death, with any other person, or  persons or corporation claimed or alleged to be liable for said injuries  or death, or with any other person or persons or corporation on  account  thereof.    (b)  In  the  case of a recovery by judgment, settlement or compromise  under sections one hundred  nineteen  and  one  hundred  twenty  or  one  hundred  thirty,  one hundred thirty-two and one hundred thirty-three of  the decedent estate law, such lien shall attach only if  the  reasonable  expenses  of  medical  aid, nursing and attention incident to the injury  are an element of the damages recoverable in such action.    3. After the filing  of  the  notice  and  mailing  of  the  copy  and  statement  as  herein  provided,  no  release of any judgment, claim, or  demand by such injured person shall be valid or effective  against  such  lien.  The  person  or persons or corporation making any payment to such  injured person or his legal  representative  for  the  injury  sustained  shall  give  notice  by registered mail to the hospital having such lien  and shall for a period of one year from the date of the receipt of  such  notice  by such hospital as aforesaid remain liable to such hospital for  the amount of its reasonable charges as aforesaid due  at  the  time  of  such  payment,  to the extent of the full and true consideration paid or  given to the injured person or his legal representative, less the amount  of any other liens or  claims  against  such  moneys  superior  to  such  hospital lien, and the state university or any such corporation or other  institution  or  body  maintaining  such hospital may within such period  enforce its lien by a suit at law against  such  person  or  persons  or  corporation making any such payment or gift.    4.  Every  county clerk shall, at the expense of the county, provide a  suitable, well-bound book, to be called the  hospital  lien  docket,  in  which,  upon  the  filing of any lien claim under the provisions of this  section, he shall enter the name of the injured person, the date of  the  accident  or event causing the injury, the name of the hospital or other  institution making the claim. The said clerk shall make a  proper  index  of the same in the name of the injured person.    5.  Any  person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations  legally liable for such lien or against whom a claim shall  be  asserted  for  compensation  for  such injuries, shall be permitted to examine the  records  of  such  hospital  or  of  any  such  corporation,  or   other  institution  or  body  maintaining  such  hospital  in reference to such  treatment, care and maintenance of  such  injured  person,  except  such  confidential  communications  or  records as are privileged, unless such  confidential status shall have been waived.    6. The lien of any such hospital under the provisions of this  section  shall  not  apply  to  any  award  or  settlement  made  pursuant to the  workmen's compensation law of this state, nor to  the  proceeds  of  anysuch  award  or settlement, in respect to the injury for which a lien is  filed, nor in case  the  amount  paid  to  the  injured  person  or  his  representative  in  the  event  of  death in settlement or compromise is  three hundred dollars or less.    6-a.  At  any time after the filing and mailing of the notices of lien  as provided in subdivision one of this section, any such injured person,  or his legal representative in case of  death,  such  hospital,  or  any  person,  firm  or corporation alleged to be liable to the injured person  or to his legal representative, may apply for an order  determining  the  validity  of  such  lien and fixing the amount thereof. Such application  shall be made to the surrogate of the county wherein letters  have  been  issued to the executor or administrator of the injured person, or to any  court which would have jurisdiction of an action based upon contract for  a  sum  equal to the amount set forth in the notice of lien filed in the  office of the county clerk  as  provided  in  subdivision  one  of  this  section;  provided, however, that except for an application made to such  surrogate, the application shall be made in  the  county  in  which  the  notice  of  lien has been filed. Such application shall be made upon not  less  than  eight  nor  more  than  ten  days'  notice.  Notice  of  the  application  shall  be served upon the following persons, other than the  applicant: (a) the person, firm or corporation alleged to be  liable  to  the  injured person or to his legal representative, (b) the hospital, or  the attorney, if known, who on its behalf filed said notice of lien, (c)  the injured person  or  his  legal  representative,  (d)  any  insurance  carrier,  if  known,  which has insured such person, firm or corporation  alleged to be liable, against such liability. If an action  for  damages  on  account  of  such injury or death is pending, service upon any party  thereto may be made upon his or its attorney of record. Upon the  return  of  such application and the determination of the validity of such lien,  if it appears that there is a bona fide dispute as to  the  charges,  an  immediate  hearing  to determine the amount of the reasonable charges of  such hospital for the treatment, care, and maintenance of  such  injured  person  at  cost rates shall forthwith be ordered before the court and a  jury, or, if a jury be waived, before the court or a referee. Upon  such  hearing  the  party  making the application or the hospital may apply to  the court for an  order  requiring  the  other  to  pay  the  reasonable  expenses,  not  including attorneys' fees, incurred in making proof. For  the purposes of this  section,  proof  that  the  charges  made  by  the  hospital to the injured person for bed, board, routine nursing, ordinary  dressings and drugs, x-ray services, laboratory tests, and other medical  care  or  treatment  do  not exceed the charges made by the hospital for  such services  and  supplies  in  the  care  of  workmen's  compensation  patients  shall  be  prima  facie evidence of the reasonableness of such  charges at cost rates in the care of the injured person. A copy  of  the  order  upon  such  application, with notice of entry, shall be served by  the party making the application on every person,  firm  or  corporation  served  with  notice  of  the  application,  or upon his or its attorney  appearing upon the application, and the sum fixed in  said  order  shall  constitute the extent of the lien provided in this section.    7. The provisions of this section to the contrary notwithstanding, the  lien  herein created shall be subject and subordinate to the lien of the  amount recovered by  verdict,  report,  decision,  judgment  or  decree,  settlement  or  compromise, of any attorney or attorneys retained by any  such injured person or his legal representative in  case  of  death,  to  prosecute  his  claim for damages for personal injuries or for the death  of the injured person, having or acquiring by virtue of such retainer  a  lien  on  the  cause  of action of any such injured person, or his legal  representative in case of death, or on the  verdict,  report,  decision,judgment,  decree  made in, or any settlement or compromise of, any such  action or claim for damages for personal injuries or for  the  death  of  such  injured  person;  and,  notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  this  section,  the lien created hereunder in no case shall be operative so as  to create a priority or a precedence therefor as against any other lien,  debt or claim in the administration of the estate of a decedent  or  the  distribution  of  damages recovered or obtained on account of a wrongful  act, neglect or default causing a decedent's death, and  the  amount  of  the  debt  or  claim  covered by such lien in such a case shall have the  same position as to priority and be payable in the same  manner  and  to  the same extent as otherwise provided by law.    8.  Execution  upon  any  judgment  obtained  in  an action based upon  injuries for which a lien has been filed as  herein  provided  shall  be  stayed  until  the  lien  has been satisfied or discharged in accordance  with the provisions of this section.    9. Upon the order of any court of record having  jurisdiction  in  the  premises,  any  person, persons or corporation against whom a lien shall  have been filed and served may deposit the amount of any  settlement  or  judgment  less  the  amount  of  any  other liens or claims against such  moneys superior to such hospital lien, with the county treasurer in  the  county  in  which the lien is filed, except, in a county within the city  of New York where such deposit shall be made with  the  commissioner  of  finance  of  such  city,  and  the  person,  persons  or  corporation so  depositing shall be discharged from all  liability  in  connection  with  such lien which lien shall attach to the fund so deposited.    10.  Any  such  lien  may  be  enforced  by action against the person,  persons or corporations  claimed  to  be  liable  or  against  the  fund  deposited as hereinbefore provided in any court of record.    11.  The  filing of a notice of lien of a hospital under the provision  of this section shall be valid for a  period  of  ten  years  only.  The  validity  of the filing may be extended for successive additional period  of ten years each from the date of refiling, by  filing  in  the  proper  county  clerk's  office,  a  copy  of the original notice of lien within  ninety days next  preceding  the  expiration  of  each  period,  with  a  statement  attached,  signed by the lienor, showing the amount remaining  to be paid thereon.  Such copy, with statement attached, shall be  filed  and  entered  in  the same manner as a notice of hospital lien filed and  entered for the first time, and the county clerk shall be entitled to  a  like  fee  as upon the original filing. Every renewal of a hospital lien  must be stamped or marked "renewal," and contain  therein  reference  to  the  date  of  filing  of the lien which it is desired to continue for a  further period, and the date of filing of the  latest  previous  renewal  thereof.  The  county clerk is authorized to destroy any and all notices  of liens of hospitals filed in his office pursuant to the provisions  of  this  section,  after  the  expiration  of twelve years from the date of  filing, and any and all indexes to  such  notices  of  lien,  after  the  expiration  of  twenty-five  years  from the date of the last entry of a  lien therein.