188 - Lien of motion picture film laboratories.

§ 188. Lien of motion picture film laboratories. All persons, firms or  corporations engaged in the business of a motion picture film laboratory  or  in  the  business  of  developing,  titling,  storing, assembling or  reproducing motion picture film shall have, in  every  case  where  such  persons or corporations copy, print, reprint, reproduce or in any manner  prepare,  at  the request, with the consent or with the knowledge of the  owner or his agent, a positive print or prints  from  a  motion  picture  negative  film  for  the  owner  thereof,  or  for  a  lessee, licensee,  mortgagee, conditional vendee or person in possession  thereof,  a  lien  upon  such  positive  prints  and upon the negative film from which such  positive print or prints were made,  printed,  reproduced  or  prepared,  including the distribution and exhibition rights therein of all persons,  firms  or  corporations  at  whose  request,  or with whose knowledge or  consent such positive prints were copied, printed, reprinted, reproduced  or prepared, and upon any and all other negative or positive  prints  or  films  of  such owner, lessee, licensee, mortgagee or conditional vendee  in their possession, including the distribution  and  exhibition  rights  therein,  of  all such persons, firms and corporations aforesaid and may  retain such negative and positive motion picture films at any time  they  may  be  lawfully  in  their possession until the payment of any sum due  from the owner of such negative or positive films or from any  licensee,  lessee,  mortgagee  or  conditional  vendee  thereof  or from any person  authorized to contract  for  such  work,  for  the  material  and  labor  furnished,  including storage charges, insurance, cost of containers and  money advanced in connection with the developing, printing,  reproducing  and  preparing  of  such  motion  picture  negative  or  positive films.  Possession of motion picture film by any person who  shall  deliver  the  same  to  any motion picture laboratory shall be presumptive evidence of  the consent of the owner thereof to the performance of  the  work  which  may  be  done  thereon  or  therefrom by such laboratory. No lien hereby  granted shall be waived or impaired by the taking of any note  or  notes  for  the moneys so due or for the work and labor performed and materials  and moneys furnished.