19 - Discharge of lien for private improvement.

§  19.  Discharge of lien for private improvement. A lien other than a  lien for labor performed or materials furnished for a public improvement  specified in this article, may be discharged as follows:    (1) By the certificate of the lienor, duly acknowledged or proved  and  filed  in the office where the notice of lien is filed, stating that the  lien is satisfied or released as to the whole or a portion of  the  real  property  affected  thereby  and  may be discharged in whole or in part,  specifying the part. Upon filing such certificate, the county  clerk  in  the  office  where the same is filed, shall note the fact of such filing  in the "lien docket" in the column headed "Proceedings had" opposite the  docket of such lien.    (2) By failure to begin an action to foreclose such lien or to  secure  an  order  continuing  it,  within  one year from the time of filing the  notice of lien, unless an action be begun  within  the  same  period  to  foreclose  a  mortgage or another mechanic's lien upon the same property  or any part thereof and a notice of pendency of  such  action  is  filed  according to law, but a lien, the duration of which has been extended by  the  filing of a notice of the pendency of an action as herein provided,  shall nevertheless terminate as  a  lien  after  such  notice  has  been  cancelled or has ceased to be effective as constructive notice.    (3)  By order of the court vacating or cancelling such lien of record,  for neglect of the lienor to prosecute the  same,  granted  pursuant  to  section fifty-nine of this chapter.    (4)  Either before or after the beginning of an action by the owner or  contractor executing a bond or undertaking in an  amount  equal  to  one  hundred  ten  percent  of  such  lien conditioned for the payment of any  judgment which may be rendered against the property for the  enforcement  of the lien:    a.  The  execution  of any such bond or undertaking by any fidelity or  surety company  authorized  by  the  laws  of  this  state  to  transact  business,  shall be sufficient; and where a certificate of qualification  has been issued by the superintendent of insurance under the  provisions  of section one thousand one hundred eleven of the insurance law, and has  not been revoked, no justification or notice thereof shall be necessary.  Any  such  company may execute any such bond or undertaking as surety by  the hand of its  officers,  or  attorney,  duly  authorized  thereto  by  resolution  of  its  board  of  directors,  a  certified  copy  of which  resolution, under the seal of said company, shall  be  filed  with  each  bond  or  undertaking.  Any such bond or undertaking shall be filed with  the clerk of the county in which the notice of lien is filed, and a copy  shall be served upon the adverse party.  The  undertaking  is  effective  when  so  served  and  filed.  If  a certificate of qualification issued  pursuant to subsections (b), (c) and (d) of  section  one  thousand  one  hundred eleven of the insurance law is not filed with the undertaking, a  party may except, to the sufficiency of a surety and by a written notice  of  exception  served  upon  the  adverse  party  within  ten days after  receipt, a copy of the undertaking. Exceptions deemed by  the  court  to  have  been  taken  unnecessarily,  or  for  vexation or delay, may, upon  notice, be set aside, with costs. Where  no  exception  to  sureties  is  taken  within  ten  days  or  where  exceptions taken are set aside, the  undertaking shall be allowed.    b. In the case of bonds  or  undertakings  not  executed  pursuant  to  paragraph  a  of this subdivision, the owner or contractor shall execute  an undertaking with two or more sufficient sureties, who shall  be  free  holders, to the clerk of the county where the premises are situated. The  sureties  must  together justify in at least double the sum named in the  undertaking. A copy of the undertaking, with notice  that  the  sureties  will  justify  before  the  court, or a judge or justice thereof, at thetime and place therein mentioned, must be served upon the lienor or  his  attorney, not less than five days before such time. Upon the approval of  the undertaking by the court, judge or justice an order shall be made by  such court, judge or justice discharging such lien.    c.  If  the  lienor  cannot  be found, or does not appear by attorney,  service under this subsection may be made by  leaving  a  copy  of  such  undertaking  and  notice  at  the  lienor's  place of residence, or if a  corporation at its principal place  of  business  within  the  state  as  stated  in  the  notice  of  lien,  with  a  person  of suitable age and  discretion therein, or if the  house  of  his  abode  or  its  place  of  business  is not stated in said notice of lien and is not known, then in  such manner as the court may direct. The premises, if any, described  in  the  notice of lien as the lienor's residence or place of business shall  be deemed to be his said residence or its  place  of  business  for  the  purposes  of  said  service  at  the  time  thereof,  unless it is shown  affirmatively that the person servicing  the  papers  or  directing  the  service  had  knowledge  to  the  contrary.  Notwithstanding  the  other  provisions of this subdivision relating to service  of  notice,  in  any  case  where  the mailing address of the lienor is outside the state such  service may be made by registered  or  certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested, to such lienor at the mailing address contained in the notice  of lien.    d. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, the provisions of  article  twenty-five  of  the  civil  practice  law and rules regulating  undertakings is applicable to  a  bond  or  undertaking  given  for  the  discharge of a lien on account of private improvements.    (5)  Upon  filing  in  the office of the clerk of the county where the  property is situated, a transcript of a judgment of a court of competent  jurisdiction, together with due proof of service of due notice of  entry  thereof,  showing  a  final  determination of the action in favor of the  owner of the property against which the lien was claimed.    (6) Where it appears from the face of the  notice  of  lien  that  the  claimant  has  no  valid lien by reason of the character of the labor or  materials furnished and for which a lien is claimed, or  where  for  any  other  reason  the  notice  of  lien  is invalid by reason of failure to  comply with the provisions of section nine of this article, or where  it  appears  from  the public records that such notice has not been filed in  accordance with the provisions of section ten of this article, the owner  or any other party in interest, may apply to the supreme court  of  this  state,  or  to any justice thereof, or to the county judge of the county  in which the notice of lien is filed, for an order summarily discharging  of record the alleged lien. A copy of the papers upon which  application  will  be  made  together  with  a  notice setting forth the court or the  justice thereof or the judge to whom the application will be made  at  a  time and place therein mentioned must be served upon the lienor not less  than  five  days  before such time. If the lienor can not be found, such  service may be made as the court,  justice  or  judge  may  direct.  The  application  must  be made upon a verified petition accompanied by other  written proof showing a proper case therefor, and upon the  approval  of  the  application  by the court, justice or judge, an order shall be made  discharging the alleged lien of record.