38.10 - Bond anticipation note resolution; form and contents.

§ 38.10 Bond anticipation note resolution; form and contents.    Whenever  the  finance  board  shall  authorize  the  issuance of bond  anticipation notes or renewals thereof,  it  shall  do  so  by  a  "bond  anticipation  note  resolution."  Each such resolution shall be properly  dated and shall bear a title which will indicate that it  relates  to  a  bond  anticipation note. Whenever a bond anticipation note has been duly  authorized by a chief fiscal officer  the  certificate  required  to  be  filed  by  such  officer pursuant to section 30.00 of this chapter shall  bear a title which will indicate that it relates to a bond  anticipation  note.  Every  such  resolution shall contain, in substance, at least the  following provisions:    1. A statement of the specific object  or  purpose  or  the  class  of  objects  or  purposes for which the obligations to be authorized by such  resolution are to be issued. Such specific object or  purpose  shall  be  described  in  brief  and  general  terms  sufficient  for  a reasonable  identification.    2.  A  specific  reference  to  the  bond  resolution  or  resolutions  authorizing  the  bonds  in anticipation of the sale of which such notes  are to be issued.    3. A statement of the amount of bonds to be issued for  such  specific  object or purpose or class of objects or purposes and whether such bonds  are to be serial or sinking fund bonds.    4.  A  statement  of  the amount of such bond anticipation notes to be  issued.    5. A statement of the amount of  bond  anticipation  notes  which  are  outstanding which had been previously issued in anticipation of the sale  of such bonds.    6.  A  statement as to whether or not such notes are renewal notes and  if they are, the date of  issuance  of  the  original  notes  issued  in  anticipation of the sale of such bonds.    7. A statement of the period of maturity of such notes.    8.  A  statement  indicating  whether  or not such notes are issued in  anticipation of bonds for an assessable improvement.