165.10 - Advances from funds.

§  165.10  Advances from funds.  If there are funds of a municipality,  school district or district corporation, other than:    1. The proceeds of bonds,  bond  anticipation  notes,  capital  notes,  urban renewal notes and budget notes, and    2.  Funds  which,  by law, may be used only for stated purposes, which  are not immediately required for the purpose or purposes for  which  the  same  were  borrowed, raised or otherwise created, the finance board may  authorize the temporary use of such funds for the  purpose  or  purposes  for  which  an  issue of bonds, capital notes or urban renewal notes has  been authorized.  Suitable  records  shall  be  kept  of  the  temporary  diversion  of  such  funds.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of section  165.00 of this chapter, such funds shall be made again available to  the  municipality,  school district or district corporation from the proceeds  of such bonds, capital notes or urban renewal notes or from the proceeds  of the sale of bond anticipation notes issued  in  anticipation  of  the  sale of such bonds.