860-F - Powers of the commissioner.

§  860-f.  Powers  of  the  commissioner.  1.  The  commissioner shall  prescribe such rules as may be necessary to carry out this article.  The  rules  shall,  at  a  minimum, include provisions that allow the parties  access to administrative hearings for  any  actions  of  the  department  under this article.    2.  In  any  investigation  or  proceeding  under  this  article,  the  commissioner has, in addition to all other powers granted  by  law,  the  authority  to  examine  any  information  of  an  employer  necessary to  determine whether a violation of this article has occurred, including to  determine the validity of any defense.    3. Except as provided in this section,  information  obtained  through  administration  of this article from an employer subject to this article  and which is not otherwise obtainable by  the  commissioner  under  this  chapter  shall: (a) be confidential; and (b) not be published or open to  public inspection. Prior to public disclosure of any such information in  connection with any court action or proceeding, the  employer  shall  be  given  a  reasonable  opportunity  to  make  application  to protect the  information's confidentiality.    4. No decision or order issued  pursuant  to  this  article  shall  be  admissible or used in evidence in any subsequent court proceeding except  in  an action by the commissioner or the employer to implement, enforce,  or challenge a determination made by the commissioner pursuant  to  this  article.    5.  Any  officer  or employer of the state, any officer or employee of  any entity authorized to obtain information pursuant  to  this  section,  and any agent to this state or of such entity who, except with authority  of  the commissioner under this section, discloses information is guilty  of a misdemeanor.    6.  If,  after  an  administrative  hearing,  the  commissioner  shall  determine  that an employer has violated any of the requirements of this  article  or  any  rules  or  regulations  promulgated   hereunder,   the  commissioner  shall  issue  an  order  which shall include any penalties  assessed by the commissioner under sections eight  hundred  sixty-g  and  eight hundred sixty-h of this article. Upon the entry of such order, any  party aggrieved thereby may commence a proceeding for the review thereof  pursuant  to  article  seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules  within thirty days from the notice of the filing of the  said  order  in  the  office  of  the  commissioner.  Such  proceeding shall be commenced  directly in the appellate division of the supreme court. If  such  order  is not reviewed, or is so reviewed and the final decision is in favor of  the commissioner, the commissioner may file with the county clerk of the  county  where  the employer resides or has a place of business the order  of the commissioner containing the amount found to be due. The filing of  such order shall have the full force  and  effect  of  a  judgment  duly  docketed  in  the office of such clerk. The order may be enforced by and  in the name of the commissioner  in  the  same  manner,  and  with  like  effect,  as  that prescribed by the civil practice law and rules for the  enforcement of a money judgment.    7. The commissioner shall distribute any back pay and the value of any  benefits recovered to any employees subject to the violation.