601 - Extended benefits.

§  601.  Extended  benefits.  1. Definitions. For the purposes of this  section:    (a) (1) There shall be a "state 'on' indicator"  for  a  week  if,  as  determined by the commissioner in accordance with the regulations of the  secretary   of   labor  of  the  United  States,  the  rate  of  insured  unemployment for the period consisting of such week  and  the  preceding  twelve weeks    (i) equaled or exceeded five per centum and    (ii)  equaled  or  exceeded  one  hundred and twenty per centum of the  average of such rates for the corresponding thirteen-week periods ending  in each of the preceding two calendar years; or    (iii) for weeks of unemployment beginning on or after February  first,  two  thousand  nine  until the week ending three weeks prior to the last  week for which one hundred percent  federal  sharing  is  authorized  by  section 2005(a) of Public Law 111-5, or for weeks of unemployment ending  three  weeks  prior to the last week for which Congress, pursuant to any  future amendment of the Federal State Extended Compensation Act of 1970,  has authorized one hundred  percent  federal  sharing,  which  meet  the  following:    (A)  the  average rate of total unemployment (seasonably adjusted), as  determined by the United States  secretary  of  labor,  for  the  period  consisting of the most recent three months for which data for all states  are  published  before  the close of such week equals or exceeds six and  one-half percent, and    (B) the average rate of total unemployment in  the  state  (seasonably  adjusted),  as  determined  by the United States secretary of labor, for  the three-month period referred to in item (A) of this clause, equals or  exceeds one hundred ten percent of the average for either or both of the  corresponding three-month periods ending in the two  preceding  calendar  years; or    (iv)  for  any  period of high unemployment which shall otherwise meet  all of the provisions of clause (iii) of this subparagraph, except  that  "eight  percent"  is  substituted for "six and one-half percent" in item  (A) of clause (iii) of this subparagraph.    (2) There shall be a "state 'off' indicator" for a week only,  if  for  the  period consisting of such week and the immediately preceding twelve  weeks, none of  the  options  specified  in  subparagraph  one  of  this  paragraph  result in an "on" indicator. Notwithstanding any provision of  this article, there shall be a "state 'off' indicator" with  respect  to  clauses  (iii)  and  (iv)  of subparagraph one of this paragraph for the  week ending three weeks prior to the last week  for  which  one  hundred  percent  federal  sharing is authorized by section 2005(a) of Public Law  111-5 or for the week ending three weeks prior  to  the  last  week  for  which  Congress,  pursuant  to any future amendment of the Federal State  Extended Compensation Act of 1970, has authorized  one  hundred  percent  federal sharing.    (3)  "Rate  of  insured  unemployment"  means for the purposes of this  paragraph the percentage  obtained  upon  dividing  the  average  weekly  number  of  persons filing claims for regular benefits in this state for  unemployment with respect to the most recent thirteen  consecutive  week  period,  as  determined  by  the commissioner on the basis of his or her  reports to the secretary of labor of the United States, by  the  average  monthly  employment  subject  to  this article for the first four of the  last six calendar  quarters  ending  before  the  end  of  such  period.  Computations  required  hereunder  shall  be  made  in  accordance  with  regulations prescribed by the secretary of labor of the United States.    (4) "Rate of total unemployment"  means,  for  the  purposes  of  this  paragraph,  the average percentage obtained by dividing the total numberof  unemployed  residents  of  the  state  for  the  most  recent  three  consecutive  months,  as determined by the United States Bureau of Labor  Statistics, by the total civilian labor force of the state for the  same  three-month  period,  also  as determined by the United States Bureau of  Labor Statistics. Computations  required  hereunder  shall  be  made  in  accordance  with regulations prescribed by the secretary of labor of the  United States.    (b) "Extended benefit period" means a period    (1) beginning with the third week after the first week for which there  is a state "on" indicator, except that  it  may  not  begin  before  the  fourteenth week after the end of a prior extended benefit period, and    (2) ending with the third week after the first week for which there is  a  state  "off" indicator, except that the duration of such period shall  in no event be less than thirteen weeks.    (c) "Eligibility period" of a claimant means the period consisting  of  the  weeks in his or her benefit year which begin in an extended benefit  period and, if his or her benefit year ends within such extended benefit  period, any weeks thereafter which begin in such period. Notwithstanding  any provision of this article, a  claimant's  eligibility  period  shall  include  any  alternative  eligibility  period  provided  for in section  2005(b) of Public Law 111-5 or other federal law.    (d) "Extended benefits" means benefits, including benefits payable  to  federal  civilian  employees  and  to ex-servicemen pursuant to 5 U.S.C.  chapter 85, payable to a claimant under the provisions of  this  section  for unemployment in his or her eligibility period.    (e) "Regular benefits" means benefits payable to a claimant under this  article  or  under any other State unemployment insurance law, including  benefits payable to federal  civilian  employees  and  to  ex-servicemen  pursuant to 5 U.S.C. chapter 85, other than extended benefits.    2.  Eligibility  conditions.  Extended  benefits shall be payable to a  claimant for effective days occurring in any week within an  eligibility  period, provided the claimant    (a)  has  exhausted  his  or her rights to regular benefits under this  article in his or her current benefit year or, his or her  benefit  year  having  expired prior to such week, he or she does not have the required  weeks of employment or earnings to establish a new benefit year, and  he  or she has no rights to benefits under the unemployment insurance law of  any other state;    (b)  has  no  rights  to unemployment benefits or allowances under the  railroad unemployment insurance act, the trade expansion act of nineteen  hundred sixty-two, the automotive products trade act of nineteen hundred  sixty-five, or such other federal laws as are specified  in  regulations  issued by the secretary of labor of the United States;    (c)  has  not  received and is not seeking unemployment benefits under  the unemployment compensation law of the Virgin  Islands  or  of  Canada  unless,  if  he  or she is seeking such benefits, the appropriate agency  finally determines that he or she is not entitled to benefits under such  law;    (d) has satisfied the conditions of this article, required to render a  claimant eligible for regular benefits, which are applicable to extended  benefits,  including  not  being  subject  to  a   disqualification   or  suspension;    (e)  is  not  claiming  benefits pursuant to an interstate claim filed  under the interstate benefit payment plan in a state where  an  extended  benefit  period  is  not in effect, except that this condition shall not  apply with respect to the first eight effective days for which  extended  benefits  shall  otherwise  be  payable  pursuant to an interstate claim  filed under the interstate benefit payment plan; and(f) in his or her base period has remuneration  of  one  and  one-half  times the high calendar quarter earnings in accordance with section five  hundred twenty-seven of this article.    3.  Extended  benefit  amounts;  rate  and duration. Extended benefits  shall be paid to a claimant    (a) at a rate equal to his or her rate for regular benefits during his  or her applicable benefit year but    (b) for not more than fifty-two effective days with respect to his  or  her  applicable benefit year, with a total maximum amount equal to fifty  percentum of the total maximum amount of  regular  benefits  payable  in  such benefit year, and    (c)  if  a  claimant's  benefit  year  ends within an extended benefit  period, the remaining balance of extended benefits to which  he  or  she  would  be  entitled, if any, shall be reduced by the number of effective  days for which he or she was  entitled  to  receive  trade  readjustment  allowances  under the federal trade act of nineteen hundred seventy-four  during such benefit year, and    (d) for  periods  of  high  unemployment  for  not  more  than  eighty  effective  days with respect to the applicable benefit year with a total  maximum amount equal to eighty percent of the total  maximum  amount  of  regular benefits payable in such benefit year.    4.  Charging  of extended benefits. The provisions of paragraph (e) of  subdivision one of section five hundred eighty-one of this article shall  apply to benefits paid pursuant to the provisions of this  section,  and  if  they  were  paid for effective days occurring in weeks following the  end of a benefit year, they shall be deemed paid with  respect  to  that  benefit  year.  However,  except for governmental entities as defined in  section five hundred sixty-five and Indian tribes as defined in  section  five  hundred  sixty-six of this article, only one-half of the amount of  such benefits shall be debited to the employers' account; the  remainder  thereof  shall be debited to the general account, and such account shall  be credited with the amount of payments received in the fund pursuant to  the provisions of the federal-state extended  unemployment  compensation  act.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  where  the  state has entered an  extended benefit  period  triggered  pursuant  to  subparagraph  one  of  paragraph  (a)  of subdivision one of this section for which federal law  provides for one  hundred  percent  federal  sharing  of  the  costs  of  benefits,  all  charges shall be debited to the general account and such  account shall be credited with the amount of payments  received  in  the  fund   pursuant   to   the  provisions  of  the  federal-state  extended  unemployment compensation act or other federal  law  providing  for  one  hundred percent federal sharing for the cost of such benefits.    5. Applicability of other provisions. (a) Unless inconsistent with the  provisions  of  this section, all provisions of this article shall apply  to extended benefits in  the  same  manner  as  they  apply  to  regular  benefits.    (b) No days of total unemployment shall be deemed to occur in any week  within an eligibility period during which a claimant fails to accept any  offer  of  suitable work or fails to apply for suitable work to which he  or she was referred by the commissioner, who shall make such referral if  such work is available, or during  which  he  or  she  fails  to  engage  actively  in seeking work by making a systematic and sustained effort to  obtain work and providing tangible evidence of such effort, and until he  or she has worked in employment during at least  four  subsequent  weeks  and earned remuneration of at least four times his or her benefit rate.    (c)  For  purposes  of  this  subdivision,  "suitable  work" means any  employment which is within the claimant's capabilities, but if he or she  furnishes evidence that his or her prospects for obtaining work  in  hisor  her  customary occupation within a reasonably short period are good,  the provisions of subdivision two of section five  hundred  ninety-three  of this article shall apply instead of the provisions hereof.    (d)   Notwithstanding   the   foregoing,   a  claimant  shall  not  be  disqualified for a failure to accept an offer of or apply  for  suitable  work if    (i)  the  gross average weekly remuneration payable for the employment  does not exceed the claimant's benefit  rate  plus  the  amount  of  any  supplemental  unemployment  compensation benefits (as defined in section  five hundred one (c) (17) (D) of the internal revenue code  of  nineteen  hundred fifty-four) payable to the claimant for such week; or    (ii) the employment was not offered to the claimant in writing and was  not listed with the department; or    (iii)  such failure would not result in denial of regular benefits, to  the extent that the provisions of this article for  payment  of  regular  benefits  are  not inconsistent with the provisions of this subdivision;  or    (iv) the employment pays wages less than the  higher  of  the  minimum  wage  provided by section six (a) (1) of the fair labor standards act of  nineteen hundred thirty-eight, without regard to any exemption,  or  the  minimum wage provided under this chapter; or    (v)  the  claimant  is  in  approved training pursuant to section five  hundred ninety-nine of this title.    (e) No days of total unemployment shall be deemed to occur in any week  within an eligibility period under section five hundred ninety-three  of  this  article,  until he or she has subsequently worked in employment in  accordance with the requirements  set  forth  in  section  five  hundred  ninety-three of this article.    6.  Suspension  of  condition  for  state indicators. The governor, by  executive order, upon advice by the commissioner and the commissioner of  economic development may for a period specified in the order suspend the  applicability of the provisions of clause (ii) of  subparagraph  one  of  paragraph (a) of subdivision one of this section, or of the reference to  such subparagraph one in subparagraph two of such paragraph, or of both,  if  he  or she finds that such suspension is required in order to assure  adequate payment of benefits to unemployed workers in the state who  are  experiencing unemployment for an extended duration, provided the rate of  insured unemployment for the applicable period equals or exceeds six per  centum and such suspension is not in conflict with the provisions of the  federal-state  extended  unemployment compensation act. The governor may  at any time prolong or shorten the period specified in such order.