600 - Effect of retirement payments.

§ 600. Effect of retirement payments. 1. Reduction of benefit rate. If  a claimant retires or is retired from employment by an employer and, due  to such retirement, is receiving a pension or retirement payment under a  plan  financed  in  whole  or  in part by such employer, such claimant's  benefit  rate  for  four  effective  days  otherwise  applicable   under  subdivision  seven  of  section  five hundred ninety shall be reduced as  hereinafter provided.    2. Application. The reduction shall apply only to benefits which  when  paid  will be chargeable to the account of the employer who provided the  pension or retirement benefit.    3. Amount of reduction. If the pension or retirement payment  is  made  under  a  plan  to  which  the  employer  is  the  sole contributor, the  claimant's benefit rate shall be reduced by the largest number of  whole  dollars which is not more than the prorated weekly amount of his pension  or  retirement  payment  under  such  plan. If the pension or retirement  payment is made under a plan to which  the  employer  is  not  the  sole  contributor, the claimant's benefit rate shall be reduced by the largest  number  of whole dollars which is not more than one-half of the prorated  weekly amount of his pension or retirement payments under such plan, but  no reduction shall apply if the claimant demonstrates that the  employer  contributed less than fifty per centum to the plan.    4.  Reduction equal to benefit rate. If the amount to be deducted from  a claimant's benefit rate equals or  exceeds  such  rate,  he  shall  be  ineligible  to receive any benefits which if paid would be chargeable to  the employer involved  in  the  pension  or  retirement  plan,  but  any  benefits which would in the absence of this section be chargeable to the  accounts of other employers shall be payable to the claimant.    5. Reduction not established. If, at the time benefits are payable, it  has  not  been  established  that  the  claimant  will be receiving such  pension or retirement payment, benefits due  shall  be  paid  without  a  reduction,  subject to review within the period and under the conditions  as provided in subdivisions three  and  four  of  section  five  hundred  ninety-seven with respect to retroactive payment of remuneration.    6. Limitation. For the purposes of this section, the terms "pension or  retirement  payment"  and  "governmental or other pension, retirement or  retired pay, annuity, or any other similar  periodic  payment  which  is  based on previous work" shall not include payments made from a qualified  trust  to  an  eligible  retirement  plan under the terms and conditions  specified in section four hundred two of the internal revenue  code  for  federal  income  tax  purposes, such payments commonly known as eligible  rollover distributions.    7. Alternative condition. (a) When a reduction for retirement payments  is required by the federal unemployment tax act as a condition for  full  tax  credit,  in  which  event  the provisions of subdivisions one, two,  three, four and five of this section shall not be operative, the benefit  rate of a claimant who is receiving a  governmental  or  other  pension,  retirement  or  retired  pay,  annuity,  or  any  other similar periodic  payment which is based  on  his  previous  work,  shall  be  reduced  as  hereinafter provided, if such payment is made under a plan maintained or  contributed to by his base period employer and, except for payments made  under  the  social  security act or the railroad retirement act of 1974,  the claimant's employment with,  or  remuneration  from,  such  employer  after  the beginning of the base period affected his eligibility for, or  increased the amount  of,  such  pension,  retirement  or  retired  pay,  annuity, or other similar periodic payment.    (b)  If  the claimant made no contribution for the pension, retirement  or retired pay, annuity, or other similar periodic payment, his  benefit  rate  shall  be  reduced by the largest number of whole dollars which isnot more than the pro-rated  weekly  amount  of  such  payment.  If  the  claimant was the sole contributor for the pension, retirement or retired  pay,  annuity,  or  other  similar  periodic payment, no reduction shall  apply.  If  the  claimant's contributions for the pension, retirement or  retired pay, annuity, or other similar periodic payment were  less  than  one  hundred  per centum, the commissioner shall determine the amount of  the reduction by taking into account the claimant's contributions  in  a  manner consistent with the federal unemployment tax act.    (c)  If, at the time benefits are payable, it has not been established  that the claimant will be receiving such pension, retirement or  retired  pay,  annuity  or  other  payment,  benefits due shall be paid without a  reduction, subject to review within the period and under the  conditions  as  provided  in  subdivisions  three  and  four of section five hundred  ninety-seven with respect to retroactive payment of remuneration.