531 - Regularization of employment.

§  531.  Regularization  of  employment.   One of the purposes of this  article is to promote the regularization of employment  in  enterprises,  industries,  localities, and the state. The commissioner shall take such  steps as are within his  means  for  the  reduction  and  prevention  of  unemployment  and to promote the reemployment of all unemployed workers.  To this end the commissioner may employ experts and  may  carry  on  and  publish  the  results  of any investigations and research which he deems  relevant, whether or not directly related  to  the  other  purposes  and  specific  provisions of this article. Also to this end, the commissioner  shall undertake investigations of technological developments in industry  in order to obtain information necessary for evaluating the  effects  of  such  developments  on  the  geographical,  industrial, and occupational  employment patterns of the state. The commissioner shall also  undertake  investigations  of  occupational  training  needs  of workers unemployed  because of technological developments, the  availability  of  facilities  for   this  purpose,  and  ways  and  means  for  establishing  required  facilities where this step is needed, and shall co-operate to  this  end  with  appropriate  education authorities.   The commissioner shall bring  the findings of  such  investigations  to  the  attention  of  education  authorities,   labor  organizations,  employers  and  other  appropriate  bodies, public and private,  in  order  that  educational  and  training  efforts  shall  be  appropriate  to  the  changing occupational needs of  industry  and  shall  be  channeled  in  the  direction   of   expanding  occupational  opportunities  for the labor force. The commissioner shall  also utilize such findings in connection with his  responsibilities  for  the   development   and   encouragement   of,   and   recruitment   for,  apprenticeship training activities. The commissioner shall by these  and  other  appropriate  means assist labor and management in the development  of  higher  occupational   skills   commensurate   with   the   changing  requirements of industry in the state.