530 - Industrial commissioner's powers.

§  530.  Industrial  commissioner's  powers.  1. General powers.   The  commissioner shall administer this article and for such purpose he shall  have power to make  all  rules  and  regulations  and,  subject  to  the  regulations of the civil service, to appoint such officers and employees  as may be necessary in the administration of this article.    2.  Powers  and  duties in respect to the national employment service.  The state of New York accepts the provisions of an act of  the  congress  of   the   United   States   effective   June  sixth,  nineteen  hundred  thirty-three, entitled "An act to provide for  the  establishment  of  a  national  employment  system  and for cooperation with the states in the  promotion of such system, and for other purposes." Such act is  in  this  article otherwise referred to as "Wagner-Peyser Act".    The  commissioner  is  hereby  designated as the agent of the state as  required by such act of congress and as such agent is hereby authorized,  empowered and directed to cooperate with the  United  States  employment  service  under  and  pursuant  to  the terms, conditions, provisions and  requirements of such act and he  shall  have  and  exercise  all  powers  necessary  therefor.  The  commissioner  is  hereby  further authorized,  empowered and directed to take such steps and to  formulate  such  plans  and  to  execute  such  projects  as  may be necessary or appropriate to  obtain for and on behalf of the state the full benefits, advantages  and  privileges derivable under and pursuant to such act of congress.    3.  Acceptance  of  moneys.  The  commissioner is authorized to accept  moneys to be used in carrying out any of the purposes of this article.    4. Claims for  damages  to  personal  property.  The  commissioner  is  authorized   to   approve,   for   payment   out   of  the  unemployment  administration fund, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision  of  the  court  of  claims act, any claim for damage to personal property made by  an employee of the department whose salary is  paid  out  of  that  fund  resulting  from  the  deliberate  act  of  any  claimant  for  benefits,  applicant for placement, employer, or other person acting on behalf of a  claimant, applicant, or employer arising out of official business of the  department. Payment of such claim shall be limited to  the  sum  of  one  hundred  fifty dollars and shall be subject to the prior approval of the  comptroller and the attorney general.